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Handel Edition (vol.4) - Messiah. Samson. Arias (Warner. 6CD) (2008, mp3)

File Name
CD1 - Messiah (1)/22. No. 23. Aria (Alto) “He was despised and rejected of men”.mp3
27 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/19. No. 20. Duetto (Soprano, Alto) “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd”.mp3
14 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/06. No. 6. Aria (Alto) “But who may abide the day of His coming”.mp3
11 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/17. No. 18. Aria (Soprano) “Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion”.mp3
10 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/13. No. 12. Chorus “For unto us a child is born”.mp3
9.8 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/12. No. 11. Aria (Bass) “The people that walked in darkness”.mp3
9.6 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/21. PART II. No. 22. Chorus “Behold the Lamb of God”.mp3
9.3 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/09. No. 9. Aria (Alto) “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.mp3
8.7 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/03. No. 3. Aria (Tenor) “Every valley shall be exalted”.mp3
8.3 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/02. No. 2. Accompagnato (Tenor) “Comfort ye, me people”.mp3
8.2 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/14. No. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).mp3
7.7 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/01. MESSIAH, Oratorio in three Parts, HWV 56 - PART I. No. 1. Symphony (Ouverture).mp3
7.3 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/11. No. 10. Accompagnato (Bass) “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.mp3
6.6 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/07. No. 7. Chorus “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.mp3
6.5 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/20. No. 21. Chorus “His yoke is easy”.mp3
6.4 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/04. No. 4. Chorus “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.mp3
6.1 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/23. No. 24. Chorus “Surely, He hath borne our griefs”.mp3
5.5 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/15. Nos. 14a, 14b, 15, 16. Recitativi (Soprano) “There were shepherds”.mp3
4.5 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/16. No. 17. Chorus “Glory to God in the highest”.mp3
4.4 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/10. No. 9. Chorus “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.mp3
3.9 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/05. No. 5. Accompagnato (Bass) “Thus saith the Lord”.mp3
3.7 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/08. No. 8. Recitativo (Alto) “Behold a virgin shall conceive”.mp3
1.0 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/18. No. 19. Recitativo (Alto) “Then shall the eyes of the blind”.mp3
1.0 MB
CD1 - Messiah (1)/back.jpg
364 kB
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242 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/24. No. 48. Aria (Bass) “The trumpet shall sound”.mp3
19 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/21. PART III. No. 45. Aria (Soprano) “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.mp3
15 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/28. No. 52. Aria (Soprano) “If God is for us, who can be against us”.mp3
10 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/02. No. 26. Chorus “All we like sheep have gone astray”.mp3
10 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/30. [No. 53.] Chorus “Amen”.mp3
10 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/20. No. 44. Chorus “Hallelujah”.mp3
9.4 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/29. No. 53. Chorus “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain”.mp3
8.8 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/12. No. 36. Aria (Bass) “Thou art gone up on high”.mp3
8.3 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/27. No. 51. Chorus “But thanks be to God”.mp3
8.0 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/09. No. 33. Chorus “Lift up your heads, o ye gates”.mp3
7.9 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/16. No. 40. Aria (Bass) “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.mp3
6.1 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/04. No. 28. Chorus “He trusted in God that He would deliver Him”.mp3
6.1 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/08. No. 32. Aria (Tenor) “But thou didst not leave His soul”.mp3
5.8 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/14. No. 38. Aria (Soprano) “How beautiful are the feet”.mp3
5.7 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/22. No. 46. Chorus “Since by man came death”.mp3
5.3 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/19. No. 43. Aria (Tenor) “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.mp3
5.2 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/17. No. 41. Chorus “Let us break their bonds asunder”.mp3
5.0 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/01. No. 25. Chorus “And with His stripes we are healed”.mp3
4.9 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/05. No. 29. Accompagnato (Tenor) “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.mp3
4.4 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/06. No. 30. Arioso (Tenor) “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow”.mp3
4.3 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/11. No. 35. Chorus “Let all the angels of God worship Him”.mp3
4.0 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/26. No. 50. Duetto (Alto, Tenor) “O death, where is thy sting”.mp3
3.9 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/13. No. 37. Chorus “The Lord gave the word”.mp3
3.0 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/15. No. 39. Arioso (Tenor) “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.mp3
2.7 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/03. No. 27. Accompagnato (Tenor) “All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn”.mp3
2.1 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/23. No. 47. Accompagnato (Bass) “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.mp3
1.7 MB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/25. No. 49. Recitativo (Alto) “Then shall be brought to pass”.mp3
809 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/07. No. 31. Accompagnato (Tenor) “He was cut off out of the land”.mp3
762 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/10. No. 34. Recitativo (Tenor) “Unto which of the angels said He at any time”.mp3
747 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/18. No. 42. Recitativo (Tenor) “He that dwelleth in heaven”.mp3
703 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/back.jpg
382 kB
CD2 - Messiah (2)/front.jpg
253 kB
CD3 - Samson (1)/01. SAMSON, Oratorio in three Acts, HWV 57 - ACT ONE. Sinfonia.mp3
20 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/24. Scene 3. Air (Samson) “Why does the God of Israel sleep”.mp3
12 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/21. Scene 3. Air (Manoah) “Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue”.mp3
11 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/16. Scene 2. Chorus of Israelites “Oh first created beam!”.mp3
9.6 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/14. Scene 2. Air (Samson) “Total eclipse! no sun, no moon, all dark amidst the blaze of noon!”.mp3
9.1 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/12. Scene 2. Air (Micah) “Oh mirror of our fickle state!”.mp3
8.7 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/04. Scene 1. Air (Dalila) “Ye men of Gaza, hither bring the merry pipe and pleasing string”.mp3
8.5 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/10. Scene 1. Air (Samson) “Torments, alas! are not confin'd to heart, or head, or breast!”.mp3
8.2 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/06. Scene 1. Air (Philistine) “Loud as the thunder's awful voice”.mp3
7.1 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/07. Scene 1. Air (Philistine Woman) “Then free from sorrow, free from thrall”.mp3
6.5 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/19. Scene 3. Air (Israelitish Man) “God of our fathers, what is man”.mp3
5.8 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/26. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites “Then shall they know”.mp3
5.7 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/13. Scene 2. Recitative (Samson, Micah) “Whom have I to complain of but myself”.mp3
5.4 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/03. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines “Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!”.mp3
5.1 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/18. Scene 3. Recitative (Micah, Manoah, Israelitish Man) “Brethren and men of Dan”.mp3
4.3 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/17. Scene 2. Recitative (Samson, Micah) “Ye see, my friends”.mp3
3.8 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/22. Scene 3. Recitative (Samson, Manoah) “Justly these evils have befall'n thy son”.mp3
3.7 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/15. Scene 2. Air (Micah) “Since light so necessary is to life”.mp3
3.2 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/20. Scene 3. Recitative (Manoah) “The good we wish for, often proves our bane”.mp3
2.9 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/23. Scene 3. Air (Samson) “My griefs for this forbid mine eyes to close”.mp3
2.7 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/09. Scene 1. Recitative (Samson) “Why by an angel was my birth foretold”.mp3
2.7 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/11. Scene 2. Recitative (Micah) “Oh change beyond report, thought or belief!”.mp3
2.1 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/02. Scene 1. Recitative (Samson) “This day, a solemn feast to Dagon held”.mp3
1.5 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/05. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines “Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!”.mp3
1.3 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/08. Scene 1. Chorus of Philistines “Awake the trumpet's lofty sound!”.mp3
1.3 MB
CD3 - Samson (1)/25. Scene 3. Recitative (Micah) “There lies our hope!”.mp3
932 kB
CD3 - Samson (1)/back.jpg
356 kB
CD3 - Samson (1)/front.jpg
273 kB
CD4 - Samson (2)/11. Scene 2. Air (Dalila, Samson) “With plantive notes and am'rous moan”.mp3
18 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/27. Scene 4. Air (Harapha) “Honour and arms scorn such a foe”.mp3
14 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/23. Scene 3. Air (Israelitish Man) “It is not virtue, valour, wit”.mp3
12 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/08. Scene 1. Air (Mcah) “Return, oh God of hosts!”.mp3
11 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/15. Scene 2. Duet (Dalila, Virgin) “My faith and truth” “Her faith and truth”.mp3
10 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/06. Scene 1. Air (Manoah) “Just are the way of God to man”.mp3
8.9 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/09. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites “To dust his glory they would tread”.mp3
8.1 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/25. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites “To man God's universal law”.mp3
7.3 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/03. Scene 3. Air (Micah) “Joys that are pure”.mp3
7.2 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/13. Scene 2. Air (Samson) “Your charms to ruin led the way”.mp3
7.2 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/10. Scene 2. Recitative (Micah) “But who is this” - Air (Samson) - Air (Micah)... .mp3
6.9 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/01. Scene 3. Recitative (Manoah, Samson) “For thee my dearest son”.mp3
6.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/04. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites “Then round about the starry throne”.mp3
5.3 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/02. Scene 3. Air (Micah) “Then long eternity shall greet your bliss”.mp3
4.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/22. Scene 2. Duet (Dalila, Samson) “Traitor to love! I'll sue no more” ... .mp3
4.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/26. Scene 4. Recitative (Micah, Harapha, Samson) “No words of peace, no voice ...”.mp3
4.4 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/17. Scene 2. Air (Dalila) “To fleeting pleasures make your court”.mp3
4.2 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/19. Scene 2. Air (Dalila) “How charming is domestic ease!”.mp3
4.1 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/21. Scene 2. Recitative (Samson, Dalila) “Ne'er think of that! I know thy warbling charms”.mp3
3.6 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/05. ACT TWO. Scene 1. Recitative (Manoah, Samson) “Despair not thus!”.mp3
3.1 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/16. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins “Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove”.mp3
2.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/20. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins “Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove”.mp3
2.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/18. Scene 2. Chorus of Virgins “Her faith and truth, oh Samson, prove”.mp3
2.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/12. Scene 2. Air (Samson) “Did love constrain thee”.mp3
1.9 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/07. Scene 1. Recitative (Samson, Micah) “My evils hopeless are!”.mp3
1.8 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/14. Scene 2. Recitative (Dalila) “Forgive what's done”.mp3
1.3 MB
CD4 - Samson (2)/24. Scene 3. Recitative (Samson) “Favour'd of heaven is he, who finds one true”.mp3
741 kB
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379 kB
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267 kB
CD5 - Samson (3)/28. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites “Glorious hero, may thy grave peace and honour ever have”.mp3
12 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/15. Scene 1. Air (Samson) “Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed”.mp3
10 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/07. Scene 4. Air (Philistine) “To song and dance we give the day”.mp3
10 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/19. Scene 2. Air (A Philistine) & Chorus of Philistines “Great Dagon has subdued our foe”.mp3
8.9 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/24. Scene 3. Air (Micah) “Ye sons of Israel, now lament' - Chorus of Israelites “Weep, Israel, weep”.mp3
8.8 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/31. Scene 3. Chorus of Israelites “Let their celestal concerts all unite”.mp3
8.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/21. Scene 2. Air (Manoah) “How willing my paternal love”.mp3
8.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/30. Scene 3. Air (Israelitish Woman) “Let the bright Seraphim”.mp3
8.2 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/13. Scene 1. Chorus of Israelites “With thunder arm'd, great God. arise!”.mp3
7.7 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/01. Scene 4. Air (Samson) “Put on your arms” - Air (Samson) “My strength is from the living God”.mp3
7.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/09. Scene 4. Double Chorus of Israelites and Philistines “Fix'd in his everlasting seat”.mp3
7.1 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/05. Scene 4. Chorus of Israelites “Hear, Jacob's God, Jehovah, hear!”.mp3
6.9 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/26. Scene 3. Dead March.mp3
6.5 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/17. Scene 1. Air (Micah) “The Holy One of Israel be thy guide” - Chorus of Israelites “To fame immortal go”.mp3
6.4 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/14. Scene 1. Recitative (Samson, Micah, Harapha) “Be of good courage”.mp3
6.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/11. Scene 1. Air (Harapha) “Presuming slave, to move their wrath!”.mp3
6.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/03. Scene 4. Duet (Samson, Harapha) “Go, baffled coward, go” - “Presume not on thy God”.mp3
6.1 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/08. Scene 4. Chorus of Philistines “To song and dance we give the day”.mp3
5.4 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/23. Scene 2. Recitative (Micah, Manoah) “Noise call you this” - Scene 3. Recitative (Messenger, Micah, Manoah)... .mp3
4.7 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/22. Scene 2. Recitative (Micah, Manoah) “Your hopes of his deliv'ry seem not vain”... .mp3
4.3 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/10. ACT THREE. Scene 1. Recitative (Micah, Samson, Harapha) “More trouble is behind”.mp3
3.0 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/29. Scene 3. Recitative (Manoah) “Come, come! no time for lamentation”.mp3
2.6 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/27. Scene 3. Recitative (Micah, Manoah) “The body comes”.mp3
2.4 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/25. Scene 3. Recitative (Manoah) “Proceed we hence to find his body”.mp3
2.1 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/04. Scene 4. Recitative (Micah) “Here lies the proof”.mp3
2.1 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/20. Scene 2. Recitative (Manoah, Micah) “What noise of joy was that”.mp3
2.0 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/02. Scene 4. Recitative (Harapha, Samson) “With thee!” - “Cam'st thou for this”.mp3
1.9 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/12. Scene 1. Recitative (Micah, Samson) “Reflect then, Samson, matters now are strain'd”.mp3
1.9 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/16. Scene 1. Recitative (Micah) “With might endued, above the sons of men”.mp3
1.7 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/18. Scene 2. Recitative (Micah, Manoah) “Old Manoah, with youthful steps”.mp3
1.2 MB
CD5 - Samson (3)/06. Scene 4. Recitative (Harapha) “Dagon, arise! attend thy sacred feast!”.mp3
836 kB
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411 kB
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284 kB
CD6 - Arias/12. Rinaldo - Aria “Cara sposa” (Rinaldo, Atto I, Scena 7).mp3
24 MB
CD6 - Arias/02. Rinaldo - Aria “Cara sposa” (Rinaldo, Atto I, Scena 7).mp3
22 MB
CD6 - Arias/11. Ariodante - Aria “Dopo notte” (Ariodante, Atto III, Scena 9).mp3
17 MB
CD6 - Arias/14. Hercules - Accompagnato “Where shall I fly” (Dejanira, Part III).mp3
15 MB
CD6 - Arias/13. Giulio Cesare - Duet “Caro! - Bella!” (Cleopatra & Cesare, Atto III, Scena 10).mp3
12 MB
CD6 - Arias/08. Rinaldo - Aria “Lascia ch'io pianga mia cruda sorte” (Almirena, Atto II, Scena 4).mp3
12 MB
CD6 - Arias/03. Rinaldo - Aria “Venti, turbini” (Rinaldo, Atto I, Scena 9).mp3
11 MB
CD6 - Arias/06. Partenope - Aria “Furibondo spira il vento” (Arsace, Atto II, Scena 9).mp3
11 MB
CD6 - Arias/04. Rinaldo - Aria “Cor ingrato” (Rinaldo, Atto I, Scena 8).mp3
11 MB
CD6 - Arias/05. Serse - Rec accompagnato ed Arioso “Frondi tenere e belle” ... “Ombra mai fu”... .mp3
9.8 MB
CD6 - Arias/09. Orlando - Aria “Fammi combattere” (Orlando, Atto I, Scena 9).mp3
8.9 MB
CD6 - Arias/01. Rinaldo - Aria “Or la tromba in suon festante” (Rinaldo, Atto III, Scena 9).mp3
8.8 MB
CD6 - Arias/15. Semele - Air “Hence, Iris, hence away” (Juno, Act 2, Scene 1).mp3
8.5 MB
CD6 - Arias/10. Serse - Arioso “Ombra mai fu” (Serse, Atto I, Scena 1).mp3
8.2 MB
CD6 - Arias/07. Agrippina - Aria “Bel piacere e godere fido amor!” (Poppea, Atto III, Scena 10).mp3
5.5 MB
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316 kB
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