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Retro Legend of Zelda Game Files

File Name
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Ocarina of Time Master Quest.v64
32 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Ocarina of Time.z64
32 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Majora's Mask.z64
32 MB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - The Minish Cap.gba
16 MB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - A Link to the Past.gba
8.0 MB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Classic NES - Legend of Zelda.gba
4.0 MB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Classic NES - Zelda II - The Adventure of Link.gba
4.0 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/GFX/PJ64Glide64.dll
3.1 MB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Super Nintendo Emulator/snes9x.exe
3.1 MB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Mac Super Nintendo Emulator.dmg
2.6 MB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo Emulator.dmg
2.2 MB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/nestopia.exe
2.0 MB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Windows Gameboy Color Emulator/VisualBoyAdvance.exe
1.9 MB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Windows Gameboy Advance Emulator/VisualBoyAdvance.exe
1.9 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
1.4 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Project64.exe
1.2 MB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Config/Project64.cht
1.1 MB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - A Link to the Past.smc
1.0 MB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Link's Awakening DX.gbc
1.0 MB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Oracle of Ages.gbc
1.0 MB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Oracle of Seasons.gbc
1.0 MB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Zelda - Link's
512 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/PJgameFAQ.chm
461 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/GFX/Jabo_Direct3D8.dll
381 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
379 kB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Super Nintendo Emulator/fmodex.dll
368 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Project64.chm
342 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/RSP/RSP 1.7.dll
308 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Zelda II - Adventure of Link.nes
256 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Jabo_Direct3D8.dll
232 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Config/Project64.rdb
232 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/7zxa.dll
166 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/unrar.dll
158 kB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Super Nintendo Emulator/changes.txt
148 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Config/Project64.rdx
145 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Legend of Zelda.nes
128 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Jabo_Direct3D6.dll
126 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/RSP.dll
107 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
73 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
73 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Jabo_DInput.dll
67 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/Input/Jabo_DInput.dll
66 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
64 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/language/english.nlg
60 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Zilmar_Audio.dll
56 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Jabo_Dsound.dll
54 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/NRage_DInput8_V2.dll
52 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/changelog.txt
46 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/Audio/Jabo_Dsound.dll
44 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
43 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
41 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
39 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
37 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
37 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/No Sound.dll
36 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/readme.html
36 kB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Super Nintendo Emulator/readme-windows.txt
36 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
35 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
34 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
34 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/schemadb.xsd
33 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/schemaromset.xsd
33 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/kailleraclient.dll
32 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
20 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/RDB - WhatsNew.txt
20 kB
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Windows Gameboy Advance Emulator/COPYING
18 kB
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Windows Gameboy Color Emulator/COPYING
18 kB
Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo Emulator/copying.txt
15 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
15 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
15 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Italian_alternative.pj.Lang
15 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/French.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/German_int.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Lithuanian.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/German.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Brazilian Portuguese.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/German_localised.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Finnish.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Italian.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Spanish (South America).pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Spanish (Spain).pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Greek.pj.Lang
14 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Spanish.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Hungarian.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Norwegian.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Swedish.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Bulgarian.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Czech.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Japanese.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Danish.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Russian.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Polish.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Dutch.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/English_alternative.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Ukrainian.pj.Lang
13 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/English.pj.Lang
12 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
12 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64 Defaults.plist
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Chinese (Traditional).pj.Lang
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Chinese (Taiwan).pj.Lang
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/T-Chinese.pj.Lang
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
11 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/Chinese (Simplified).pj.Lang
10 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/ChineseB5.pj.lang
10 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Lang/ChineseGB.pj.lang
10 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Plugin Specs/Gfx #1.3.h
10 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/RDX - ReadMe (Unofficial).txt
8.8 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Plugin Specs/Controller #1.1.h
8.7 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
8.1 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Plugin Specs/Audio #1.1.h
7.6 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Plugin Specs/Rsp #1.1.h
7.3 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
7.0 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
6.9 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
6.7 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
6.3 kB
Super Nintendo - Legend of Zelda/Windows Super Nintendo Emulator/snes9x-license.txt
5.9 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
5.8 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
5.8 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
5.6 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
5.0 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Readme.txt
5.0 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/3rd Party Plugins/N-Rage - Readme.txt
4.5 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Plugin/1.6 Plugins/Adaptoid_v1_0.dll
4.0 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
3.7 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Whatsnew.txt
3.7 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
2.7 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
2.5 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Cheat - Readme.txt
2.4 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Plugin Specs/Plugin Spec history.txt
1.5 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/Cheat - Changes.txt
1.2 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
1.2 kB
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
952 B
Read Me:Disclaimer.rtf
952 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
785 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
380 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/3rd Party Plugins/Adaptoid.txt
333 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
298 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Docs/GameFAQ - WhatsNew.txt
234 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Windows Nintendo 64 Emulator/Project64.rdb
67 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
8 B
Nintendo 64 - Legend of Zelda/Mac Nintendo 64
8 B
Gameboy Advanced - Legend of Zelda/Mac Gameboy Advanced Emulator.dmg
0 B
Gameboy Color - Legend of Zelda/Mac Gameboy Color Emulator.dmg
0 B