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TTC - Erica Carlson - Understanding the Quantum World

File Name
01. Particle-Wave Duality.mkv
86 MB
02. Particles, Waves, and Interference Patterns.mkv
71 MB
03. Observers Disturb What They Measure.mkv
81 MB
04. Bell's Theorem and Schrödingers Cat.mkv
86 MB
05. Quantum Paradoxes and Interpretations.mkv
109 MB
06. The Position-Momentum Uncertainty Relation.mkv
81 MB
07. Wave Quantization.mkv
110 MB
08. Quantum Wave Shapes and the Periodic Table.mkv
78 MB
09. Interference of Waves and Sloshing States.mkv
81 MB
10. Wave Shapes in Diamond and Graphene.mkv
86 MB
11. Harmonic Oscillators.mkv
86 MB
12. The Energy-Time Uncertainty Relation.mkv
84 MB
13. Quantum Angular Momentum and Electron Spin.mkv
79 MB
14. Quantum Orbital Angular Momentum.mkv
82 MB
15. Quantum Properties of Light.mkv
115 MB
16. Atomic Transitions and Photons.mkv
80 MB
17. Atomic Clocks and GPS.mkv
80 MB
18. Quantum Mechanics and Color Vision.mkv
69 MB
19. A Quantum Explanation of Color.mkv
85 MB
20. Quantum Tunneling.mkv
70 MB
21. Fermions and Bosons.mkv
94 MB
22. Spin Singlets and the EPR Paradox.mkv
87 MB
23. Quantum Mechanics and Metals.mkv
87 MB
24. Superconductivity.mkv
130 MB
Understanding the Quantum World.pdf
19 MB