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ASP.NET MVC 4 LiveLessons

File Name
3_2.3.2 Pass data to the view.mp4
64 MB
Intro.Introduction to ASP.NET MVC 4 LiveLessons.mp4
43 MB
3_3.3.3 Use strongly-typed view models.mp4
41 MB
5_3.5.3 Test MVC applications.mp4
34 MB
6_3.6.3 Build view-specific models with AutoMapper.mp4
32 MB
2_2.2.2 Build views using Razor.mp4
32 MB
2_3.2.3 Use view helpers.mp4
31 MB
7_5.7.5 Develop MVC for the iPad and iPhone with responsive design.mp4
27 MB
5_1.5.1 Extend controllers with filters.mp4
26 MB
5_2.5.2 Extend controllers with action results.mp4
26 MB
Outro.Summary of ASP.NET MVC 4 LiveLessons.mp4
26 MB
24 MB
8_1.8.1 Build consistent forms with templated helpers.mp4
22 MB
9_2.9.2 Enable unobtrusive javascript validation for forms.mp4
22 MB
7_3.7.3 Assemble complex pages with child actions.mp4
20 MB
6_2.6.2 Extend the model binding with value providers.mp4
20 MB
3_1.3.1 Model your domain.mp4
19 MB
9_3.9.3 Add ajax callbacks easily with AjaxHelper.mp4
19 MB
7_4.7.4 Organize large applications with areas.mp4
19 MB
4_2.4.2 Route a URL to a controller.mp4
19 MB
6_1.6.1 Use model binding.mp4
18 MB
7_6.7.6 Target and test iPad and iPhone with mobile display modes.mp4
18 MB
4_4.4.4 Generate URLs from routes.mp4
18 MB
1_1.1.1 Build a basic controller.mp4
17 MB
8_2.8.2 Control selection of editor and display templates.mp4
16 MB
10_2.10.2 Create web services with Web API and MVC.mp4
16 MB
7_2.7.2 Use partial views for common page sections.mp4
15 MB
8_4.8.4 Validate user input with DataAnnotations and ModelState.mp4
15 MB
10_1.10.1 Use the fundamentals of HTTP.mp4
14 MB
8_3.8.3 Customizing templates.mp4
14 MB
4_3.4.3 Create dynamic routes.mp4
14 MB
10_3.10.3 Use Web API for jQuery ajax calls.mp4
14 MB
7_1.7.1 Manage code duplication.mp4
14 MB
9_1.9.1 Apply jQuery for html features.mp4
13 MB
2_1.2.1 Move from Web Forms to MVC views.mp4
12 MB
2_4.2.4 Customize Razor views- Layout sections and strongly.mp4
11 MB
4_1.4.1 Design route URLs.mp4
9.1 MB
6.Learning objectives.mp4
7.7 MB
7.Learning objectives.mp4
7.6 MB
1_3.1.3 Handle form posts.mp4
7.3 MB
9.Learning objectives.mp4
6.9 MB
1.Learning objectives.mp4
6.7 MB
10.Learning objectives.mp4
6.7 MB
8.Learning objectives.mp4
6.5 MB
5.Learning objectives.mp4
6.4 MB
1_2.1.2 Handle querystring variables.mp4
6.3 MB
4.Learning objectives.mp4
6.2 MB
3.Learning objectives.mp4
5.9 MB
2.Learning objectives.mp4
5.7 MB