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[] Udemy - Master Full-Stack Web Development Node, SQL, React, & More

File Name
Lesson 1. Course Introduction.mp4
32 MB
Lesson 10. Nodemon for Development.mp4
29 MB
Lesson 100. Sign Up Account Action.mp4
60 MB
Lesson 101. Account in the Redux Store.mp4
60 MB
Lesson 102. Display Errors and Render Based on the Account.mp4
61 MB
Lesson 103. Log Out and Account Reducer.mp4
29 MB
Lesson 104. Log Out Action and Fetch From Account.mp4
108 MB
Lesson 105. Log Out Button.mp4
40 MB
Lesson 106. Redux Log In.mp4
52 MB
Lesson 107. Get Authenticated Request.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 108. Guard Rendering Behind Authenticated Check.mp4
76 MB
Lesson 109. Frontend Button Clicked to Hide Error in AuthForm.mp4
38 MB
Lesson 11. Optional Node.js Under the Hood - the V8 Engine.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 110. Account Dragon Table.mp4
28 MB
Lesson 111. Store Account Dragon.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 112. Associate Account with New Dragons Part 1.mp4
75 MB
Lesson 113. Associate Account with New Dragons Part 2.mp4
80 MB
Lesson 114. Get Account Dragons.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 115. Get Account Dragons Request.mp4
58 MB
Lesson 116. Get Account Dragons With Traits.mp4
52 MB
Lesson 117. Fetch Account Dragons.mp4
60 MB
Lesson 118. Account Dragons Reducer.mp4
39 MB
Lesson 119. Display Account Dragons Skeleton.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 12. Optional Node.js Under the Hood - the Event Loop.mp4
27 MB
Lesson 120. Account Dragon Rows.mp4
49 MB
Lesson 121. React-Router.mp4
78 MB
Lesson 122. Link Components and When to (Not) Use Anchor Tags.mp4
53 MB
Lesson 123. Auth Routes Redirects.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 124. Auth Routes Stateless Functional Components.mp4
46 MB
Lesson 125. Auth Routes Higher-Order Components.mp4
46 MB
Lesson 126. Update Dragon Nickname.mp4
56 MB
Lesson 127. Edit Dragon.mp4
56 MB
Lesson 128. Fire Update Dragon Nickname.mp4
69 MB
Lesson 129. Multi-Acocunt Features Preview.mp4
8.5 MB
Lesson 13. The Source of Truth for Dragon Traits.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 130. Account Balance and Info.mp4
65 MB
Lesson 131. Account Info in React Redux.mp4
47 MB
Lesson 132. Account Info in React UI.mp4
35 MB
Lesson 133. Public and Sellable Dragons.mp4
64 MB
Lesson 134. Update Dragon with Dynamic Queries.mp4
113 MB
Lesson 135. Update Dragon in the API and UI.mp4
88 MB
Lesson 136. Get Public Dragons.mp4
75 MB
Lesson 137. Public Dragons Redux.mp4
75 MB
Lesson 138. Public Dragons Page.mp4
54 MB
Lesson 139. Public Dragon Rows.mp4
34 MB
Lesson 14. Traits in the Dragon Class.mp4
68 MB
Lesson 140. Update Balance.mp4
29 MB
Lesson 141. Get Dragon Account and Update Dragon Account.mp4
75 MB
Lesson 142. Buy Dragons Backend.mp4
119 MB
Lesson 143. Test Buy Dragons.mp4
26 MB
Lesson 144. React Buy Dragons.mp4
89 MB
Lesson 145. Breeder Class and Making Baby Dragons.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 146. Pick Trait.mp4
141 MB
Lesson 147. Dragon Sire Value.mp4
36 MB
Lesson 148. Update Sire Value in Account Dragon Row.mp4
48 MB
Lesson 149. Mate Dragons Request.mp4
117 MB
Lesson 15. Generation Configuration.mp4
13 MB
Lesson 150. Test Mate Dragons Request.mp4
35 MB
Lesson 151. Sire Button.mp4
41 MB
Lesson 152. Mating Options.mp4
59 MB
Lesson 153. Send Mate Request.mp4
69 MB
Lesson 154. Limit Dragons per Generation.mp4
72 MB
Lesson 155. Congratulations and Connect with Me!.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 16. Generation Class Part 1.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 17. Generation Class Part 2.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 18. Generation Engine.mp4
61 MB
Lesson 19. Dragonstack Architecture Check 1.mp4
5.5 MB
Lesson 2. Technologies of the Course.mp4
17 MB
Lesson 20. On Express.js.mp4
5.7 MB
Lesson 21. Set up the Server and Get Dragon.mp4
49 MB
Lesson 22. Codebase Organization Part 1.mp4
37 MB
Lesson 23. Codebase Organization Part 2.mp4
32 MB
Lesson 24. Get Generation.mp4
63 MB
Lesson 25. Dragonstack Architecture Check 2.mp4
4.1 MB
Lesson 26. PostgreSQL and Relational Databases Overview.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 27. Setup and Install PostgreSQL.mp4
33 MB
Lesson 28. Create the Dragonstack DB and the Node User.mp4
9.7 MB
Lesson 29. Generation SQL.mp4
28 MB
Lesson 3. Application Tour and Overview.mp4
34 MB
Lesson 30. Dragon SQL.mp4
38 MB
Lesson 31. Configure Script.mp4
67 MB
Lesson 32. Configure the Database Pool.mp4
35 MB
Lesson 33. Node-Postgres Pool Verification.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 34. Generation Table and Storing Generations.mp4
58 MB
Lesson 35. Get Generation with IDs.mp4
78 MB
Lesson 36. Optional JavaScript Promises Overview.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 37. Dragons with Generation IDs.mp4
27 MB
Lesson 38. Store Dragons.mp4
77 MB
Lesson 39. Error Handling in Express.js.mp4
56 MB
Lesson 4. The Role of Node.js in Dragonstack.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 40. The Approach to Storing Dragon Traits.mp4
9.5 MB
Lesson 41. Trait Table.mp4
72 MB
Lesson 42. Trait Table and Get Trait ID.mp4
49 MB
Lesson 43. Dragon Trait Table.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 44. Store Dragon Traits.mp4
93 MB
Lesson 45. Verify Dragon Trait Storage.mp4
44 MB
Lesson 46. Get Dragon With Traits Part 1.mp4
72 MB
Lesson 47. Get Dragon With Traits Part 2.mp4
105 MB
Lesson 48. Dragonstack Architecture Check 3.mp4
5.8 MB
Lesson 49. Optional JS in Browsers, the DOM, and React and Virtual DOM Overview.mp4
23 MB
Lesson 5. Set Up the Backend.mp4
29 MB
Lesson 50. Set Up the React Frontend Part 1.mp4
26 MB
Lesson 51. Set Up the React Frontend Part 2.mp4
72 MB
Lesson 52. Generation Component.mp4
54 MB
Lesson 53. React State and Generation Fetch Part 1.mp4
54 MB
Lesson 54. Backend Interlude Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.mp4
28 MB
Lesson 55. Optional Same Origin Policy.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 56. React State and Generation Fetch Part 2.mp4
57 MB
Lesson 57. Fetch New Generations on a Timer.mp4
91 MB
Lesson 58. New Dragon in React.mp4
72 MB
Lesson 59. Dragon Avatar Component and React Props.mp4
50 MB
Lesson 6. Optional Object-Oriented Programming.mp4
9.1 MB
Lesson 60. New Dragon Button and React Bootstrap.mp4
38 MB
Lesson 61. Quick Styling.mp4
31 MB
Lesson 62. Optional Dragon Avatar Image Part 1.mp4
59 MB
Lesson 63. Optional Dragon Avatar Image Part 2.mp4
117 MB
Lesson 64. Redux Overview.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 65. Redux in Dragonstack and the Generation Reducer.mp4
54 MB
Lesson 66. Generation Action.mp4
95 MB
Lesson 67. Generation Action Creator.mp4
85 MB
Lesson 68. Redux Organization and Tools.mp4
76 MB
Lesson 69. Connect Generation Component and MapStateToProps.mp4
79 MB
Lesson 7. The Dragon Class.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 70. Generation Component and MapDispatchToProps.mp4
83 MB
Lesson 71. Redux Thunk.mp4
96 MB
Lesson 72. Updated Fetch Generation Action.mp4
52 MB
Lesson 73. Updated Fetch Generation Reducer.mp4
97 MB
Lesson 74. Fetch States.mp4
65 MB
Lesson 75. New Dragon Redux Flow.mp4
82 MB
Lesson 76. Connect the Dragon Componnet.mp4
80 MB
Lesson 77. Dragonstack Architecture Check 4.mp4
5.3 MB
Lesson 78. HTTP vs HTTPS and TLS Overview.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 79. Account Table.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 8. Improve the Dragon Class Part 1.mp4
25 MB
Lesson 80. Account Table Store Account.mp4
27 MB
Lesson 81. Account API and New Account Request.mp4
62 MB
Lesson 82. Custom System Hash.mp4
9.1 MB
Lesson 83. SHA256 and App Secret.mp4
36 MB
Lesson 84. Hash Sensitive Information.mp4
51 MB
Lesson 85. Avoid Account Duplication and Get Account.mp4
89 MB
Lesson 86. Account Sessions.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 87. Build the Session Class Part 1.mp4
54 MB
Lesson 88. Build the Session Class Part 2.mp4
94 MB
Lesson 89. Set a Session Cookie.mp4
55 MB
Lesson 9. Improve the Dragon Class Part 2.mp4
59 MB
Lesson 90. Shared Sessions and Set Session Helper Part 1.mp4
62 MB
Lesson 91. Update Session ID in the Account Table.mp4
25 MB
Lesson 92. Shared Sessions and Set Session Helper Part 2.mp4
45 MB
Lesson 93. Log In Part 1.mp4
60 MB
Lesson 94. Log In Part 2.mp4
69 MB
Lesson 95. Log Out.mp4
66 MB
Lesson 96. Root Component.mp4
55 MB
Lesson 97. AuthForm Component Part 1.mp4
41 MB
Lesson 98. AuthForm Component Part 2.mp4
63 MB
Lesson 99. Account Reducer.mp4
52 MB
392 MB
123 B
[FCS Forum].url
133 B
127 B