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File Name
Busines News/Canada seal cull dwindles_words.mp3
1.5 MB
Busines News/G20's $1tn deal_words.mp3
1.3 MB
Busines News/Tax havens to ease bank secrecy_words.mp3
1.3 MB
Busines News/Ministers tackle financial crisis_words.mp3
1.3 MB
Busines News/Japan pledges $1bn in aid to Pakistan_words.mp3
1.2 MB
Busines News/Canada seal cull dwindles.mp3
1.2 MB
Busines News/Tax havens to ease bank secrecy.mp3
1.2 MB
Busines News/China doubles gold reserves_words.mp3
1.2 MB
Busines News/British job losses_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/China faces drop in recruitment_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/China deficit biggest in decades_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/Production gloom in Japan_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/US banks fail 'stress tests'_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/China faces drop in recruitment.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/US prepares for digital switchover_words.mp3
1.1 MB
Busines News/US bonus tax_words.mp3
1.0 MB
Busines News/Japan pledges $1bn in aid to Pakistan.mp3
1.0 MB
Busines News/Bing launch_words.mp3
1.0 MB
Busines News/Ministers tackle financial crisis.mp3
1.0 MB
Busines News/Production gloom in Japan.mp3
996 kB
Busines News/BA's record losses_words.mp3
958 kB
Busines News/Chrysler loses quarter of dealers words.mp3
931 kB
Busines News/Bing launch.mp3
865 kB
Busines News/China doubles gold reserves.mp3
864 kB
Busines News/US banks fail 'stress tests'.mp3
846 kB
Busines News/China deficit biggest in decades.mp3
787 kB
Busines News/British job losses.mp3
767 kB
Busines News/Microsoft offers reward for bug creator_words.mp3
766 kB
Busines News/US prepares for digital switchover.mp3
682 kB
Busines News/Chrysler loses quarter of dealers.mp3
663 kB
Busines News/G20's $1tn deal.mp3
605 kB
Busines News/US bonus tax.mp3
551 kB
Busines News/BA's record losses.mp3
489 kB
Busines News/Microsoft offers reward for bug creator.mp3
482 kB
Busines News/China faces drop in recruitment.pdf
91 kB
Busines News/Tax havens to ease bank secrecy.pdf
37 kB
Busines News/Japan pledges $1bn in aid to Pakistan.pdf
37 kB
Busines News/US banks fail 'stress tests'.pdf
37 kB
Busines News/US prepares for digital switchover.pdf
36 kB
Busines News/China deficit biggest in decades.pdf
36 kB
Busines News/Canada seal cull dwindles.pdf
35 kB
Busines News/Production gloom in Japan.pdf
35 kB
Busines News/China doubles gold reserves.pdf
35 kB
Busines News/G20's $1tn deal.pdf
35 kB
Busines News/Chrysler loses quarter of dealers.pdf
34 kB
Busines News/British job losses.pdf
34 kB
Busines News/Bing launch.pdf
34 kB
Busines News/US bonus tax.pdf
34 kB
Busines News/BA's record losses.pdf
33 kB
Busines News/Ministers tackle financial crisis.pdf
21 kB
Busines News/Microsoft offers reward for bug creator.pdf
20 kB
Busines News/
707 B
Business Language to go/Part 9 Dealing with difficult work situations and asking for a pay rise.mp3
8.2 MB
Business Language to go/Part 6 Telephoning.mp3
8.0 MB
Business Language to go/Part 11 Training and away days.mp3
7.7 MB
Business Language to go/Part 7 Telephoning II.mp3
7.5 MB
Business Language to go/Part 10 Difficult clients.mp3
7.4 MB
Business Language to go/Part 5 Appraisals.mp3
7.1 MB
Business Language to go/Part 12 Business socialising.mp3
6.9 MB
Business Language to go/Part 8 Delegating.mp3
6.8 MB
Business Language to go/Part 4 Presentations.mp3
6.2 MB
Business Language to go/Part 1 Job Interviews.mp3
4.8 MB
Business Language to go/Part 3 Some language for running a meeting.mp3
4.7 MB
Business Language to go/Part 2 How do you introduce someone to the new work place.mp3
4.2 MB
Business Language to go/Part 10 Difficult clients.pdf
52 kB
Business Language to go/Part 6 Telephoning.pdf
51 kB
Business Language to go/Part 9 Dealing with difficult work situations and asking for a pay rise.pdf
51 kB
Business Language to go/Part 11 Training and away days.pdf
50 kB
Business Language to go/Part 5 Appraisals.pdf
48 kB
Business Language to go/Part 8 Delegating.pdf
48 kB
Business Language to go/Part 7 Telephoning II.pdf
48 kB
Business Language to go/Part 4 Presentations.pdf
46 kB
Business Language to go/Part 1 Job Interviews.pdf
43 kB
Business Language to go/Part 3 Some language for running a meeting.pdf
40 kB
Business Language to go/Part 12 Business socialising.pdf
39 kB
Business Language to go/Part 2 How do you introduce someone to the new work place.pdf
35 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - interruptions.mp3
199 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - agenda setting.mp3
178 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - agreeing and disagreeing.mp3
171 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - any other business.mp3
141 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - interruptions.pdf
20 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - agenda setting.pdf
20 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - any other business.pdf
20 kB
Talking Business/Meetings/Meetings - agreeing and disagreeing.pdf
20 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - difficult clients.mp3
665 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - asking for a pay rise.mp3
410 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - resolving difficulties.mp3
274 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - tricky conversations.mp3
193 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - difficult clients.pdf
18 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - asking for a pay rise.pdf
16 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - resolving difficulties.pdf
15 kB
Talking Business/Negotiations/Negotiations - tricky conversations.pdf
14 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - opening.mp3
426 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - body.mp3
337 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - tips.mp3
184 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - questions.mp3
120 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - opening.pdf
16 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - body.pdf
14 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - tips.pdf
13 kB
Talking Business/Presentations/Presentations - questions.pdf
13 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - flights.mp3
444 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - wrong number.mp3
254 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - appointments.mp3
243 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - messages.mp3
218 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - connecting.mp3
202 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - flights.pdf
16 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - appointments.pdf
14 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - wrong number.pdf
14 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - connecting.pdf
14 kB
Talking Business/Telephone/Telephone - messages.pdf
13 kB