TorBT - Torrents and Magnet Links Search Engine
Building an Enterprise App with WPF, MVVM, and Entity Framework Code First
- Date: 2024-03-31
- Size: 1.8 GB
- Files: 174
File Name
01. Cource overview/01. Cource overview.mp4
4.0 MB
02. Looking at the scenario/01. Introduction.mp4
3.0 MB
02. Looking at the scenario/02. What You Build - The FriendOrganizer.mp4
4.8 MB
02. Looking at the scenario/03. Course Outline.mp4
6.5 MB
03. Defining the Architecture/01. Introduction.mp4
885 kB
03. Defining the Architecture/02. About N-tier and Client-server.mp4
4.3 MB
03. Defining the Architecture/03. Plan the Client Layers.mp4
2.4 MB
03. Defining the Architecture/04. Set up the FriendOrganizer Solution.mp4
12 MB
03. Defining the Architecture/05. Summary.mp4
1.9 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/01. Introduction.mp4
1.2 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/02. Plan the User Interface Layer.mp4
7.7 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/03. The MVVM-pattern.mp4
1.7 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/04. Create the MainViewModel.mp4
12 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/05. Implement INotifyPropertyChanged.mp4
14 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/06. Set the DataContext.mp4
3.3 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/07. Define the User Interface.mp4
30 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/08. Add Autofac for Dependency Injection.mp4
9.2 MB
04. Building the Basic UI Layer/09. Summary.mp4
748 kB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/01. Introduction.mp4
1.3 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/02. Plan the Data Access Layer.mp4
3.1 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/03. Create a DbContext Subclass.mp4
12 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/04. Add a Code First Migration.mp4
20 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/05. Add Constraints.mp4
18 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/06. Create and Seed the Database.mp4
20 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/07. Build the FriendDataService.mp4
17 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/08. Load Data Asynchronously.mp4
12 MB
05. Setting up Entity Framework/09. Summary.mp4
2.0 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/01. Introduction.mp4
1.7 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/02. Plan the New Structure.mp4
3.5 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/03. Create the LookupDataService.mp4
15 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/04. Create the NavigationViewModel.mp4
12 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/05. Create the NavigationView.mp4
12 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/06. Adjust the FriendDataService.mp4
3.6 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/07. Create the FriendDetailViewModel.mp4
8.1 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/08. Create the FriendDetailView.mp4
12 MB
06. Decoupling the UI Parts/09. Summary.mp4
1.2 MB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/01. Introduction.mp4
668 kB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/02. Plan the ViewModel Communication.mp4
1006 kB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/03. Introduce Prism's EventAggregator.mp4
5.4 MB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/04. Publish the OpenFriendDetaiViewEvent.mp4
12 MB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/05. Subscribe to the OpenFriendDetaiViewEvent.mp4
10 MB
07. Communicating Between ViewModels/06. Summary.mp4
586 kB
08. Saving Data/01. Introduction.mp4
925 kB
08. Saving Data/02. The ICommand and MVVM.mp4
4.1 MB
08. Saving Data/03. Introduce the SaveCommand.mp4
11 MB
08. Saving Data/04. Save the Friend with Entity Framework.mp4
12 MB
08. Saving Data/05. Update the Navigation After Saving.mp4
16 MB
08. Saving Data/06. Add the NavigationItemViewModel.mp4
12 MB
08. Saving Data/07. Summary.mp4
976 kB
09. Validating User Input/01. Introduction.mp4
2.3 MB
09. Validating User Input/02. Process Unhandled Exceptions.mp4
14 MB
09. Validating User Input/03. Validation in WPF.mp4
3.7 MB
09. Validating User Input/04. Wrap the Model.mp4
3.5 MB
09. Validating User Input/05. Create the FriendWrapper.mp4
7.4 MB
09. Validating User Input/06. Implement INotifyDataErrorInfo.mp4
18 MB
09. Validating User Input/07. Add Some Validation Logic.mp4
7.9 MB
09. Validating User Input/08. Display the Error in the Tooltip.mp4
18 MB
09. Validating User Input/09. Display the Error Below the TextBox.mp4
13 MB
09. Validating User Input/10. Create a NotifyDataErrorInfoBase Class.mp4
10 MB
09. Validating User Input/11. Introduce a ModelWrapper Class.mp4
13 MB
09. Validating User Input/12. Trigger Validation in the ModelWrapper.mp4
14 MB
09. Validating User Input/13. Validate by Using Data Annotations.mp4
29 MB
09. Validating User Input/14. Enable and Disable the Save Button.mp4
15 MB
09. Validating User Input/15. Summary.mp4
1.2 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/01. Introduction.mp4
1.3 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/02. How Entity Framework Tracks Changes.mp4
6.5 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/03. Plan the DbContext Lifetime.mp4
2.5 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/04. Create the FriendRepository.mp4
24 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/05. Use a Single FriendRepository per Detail View.mp4
32 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/06. Add an HasChanges Method to the Repository.mp4
4.8 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/07. Enable and Disable the Save Button.mp4
20 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/08. Block Navigation from a Changed Friend.mp4
20 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/09. Create a MessageDialogService.mp4
26 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/10. Remove Selection in the Navigation.mp4
30 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/11. Style the Navigation.mp4
8.8 MB
10. Detecting Model Changes/11. Summary.mp4
3.6 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/01. Introduction.mp4
1.3 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/02. Add a New Friend.mp4
37 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/03. Trigger the Validation.mp4
7.6 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/04. Delete an Existing Friend.mp4
16 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/05. Inform the Navigation with an Event.mp4
15 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/06. Hide and Display the FriendDetailView.mp4
14 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/07. Display a Dialog Before Deleting.mp4
7.4 MB
11. Adding and Deleting Entities/08. Summary.mp4
875 kB
12. Working with Lookups/01. Introduction.mp4
1.4 MB
12. Working with Lookups/02. Create the ProgrammingLanguage-entity.mp4
19 MB
12. Working with Lookups/03. Extend the LookupDataService.mp4
5.1 MB
12. Working with Lookups/04. Load the Lookup in the FriendDetailViewModel.mp4
19 MB
12. Working with Lookups/05. Add a ComboBox to the FriendDetailView.mp4
16 MB
12. Working with Lookups/06. Allow Selection of an Empty Entry.mp4
9.5 MB
12. Working with Lookups/07. Summary.mp4
868 kB
13. Working with Object Graphs/01. Introduction.mp4
1.9 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/02. Create the FriendPhoneNumber Entity.mp4
9.7 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/03. Add a DataGrid to the FriendDetailView.mp4
6.9 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/04. Manage Phone Numbers in the FriendDetailViewModel.mp4
27 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/05. Display Validation Errors in the DataGrid.mp4
7.3 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/06. Add a Phone Number.mp4
7.6 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/07. Remove a Phone Number.mp4
15 MB
13. Working with Object Graphs/08. Summary.mp4
734 kB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/01. Introduction.mp4
3.5 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/02. Create the DetailViewModel Property.mp4
14 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/03. Create the OpenDetailViewEvent.mp4
30 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/04. Create the AfterDetailDeletedEvent.mp4
20 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/05. Create the AfterDetailSavedEvent.mp4
10 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/06. Fix the New Friend Creation.mp4
17 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/07. Create a GenericRepository Class.mp4
21 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/08. Create a DetailViewModelBase Class.mp4
22 MB
14. Refactoring to Support Other Detail Views/09. Summary.mp4
1.7 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/01. Introduction.mp4
1.7 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/02. Create the Meeting Entity.mp4
22 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/03. Create the MeetingRepository.mp4
9.5 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/04. Wrap the Meeting Entity.mp4
2.9 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/05. Create the MeetingDetailViewModel.mp4
20 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/06. Create the MeetingDetailView.mp4
16 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/07. Load Meetings in the NavigationViewModel.mp4
21 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/08. Extend the NavigationView.mp4
19 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/09. Instantiate the MeetingDetailViewModel.mp4
11 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/10. Use Autofac’s IIndex Interface.mp4
19 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/11. Add New Meetings.mp4
14 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/12. Synchronize the Start and End Date.mp4
7.9 MB
15. Introducing Another Detail View/13. Summary.mp4
974 kB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/01. Introduction.mp4
1.9 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/02. Build the Picklist in the MeetingDetailView.mp4
14 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/03. Extend the MeetingDetailViewModel.mp4
6.9 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/04. Load the Friends for the Picklist.mp4
17 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/05. Add and Remove Friends.mp4
9.4 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/06. Block the Deletion of Friends.mp4
16 MB
16. Picking M-N-related Details/07. Summary.mp4
868 kB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/01. Introduction.mp4
2.6 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/02. Adjust the MainViewModel.mp4
34 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/03. Add a TabControl to the MainWindow.mp4
19 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/04. Display a Title in the Tab Header.mp4
7.8 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/05. The Plan to Close a Tab.mp4
1.4 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/06. Introduce the CloseDetailViewCommand.mp4
5.0 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/07. Publish the AfterDetailClosedEvent.mp4
4.7 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/08. Subscribe to the Event to Close the Tab.mp4
9.0 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/09. Check for Changes When Closing a Tab.mp4
9.4 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/10. Be Aware of Refresh Issues in a Tabbed UI.mp4
2.3 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/11. Refresh the MeetingDetailView After Updating a Friend.mp4
7.2 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/12. Reload a Single Friend with Entity Framework.mp4
15 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/13. Refresh the MeetingDetailView After Deleting a Friend.mp4
5.9 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/14. Open and Close Tabs for New Items.mp4
23 MB
17. Switching to a Tabbed UI/15. Summary.mp4
1.4 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/01. Introduction.mp4
1.6 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/02. Integrate the Detail View for Programming Languages.mp4
30 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/03. Set up the ProgrammingLanguageRepository.mp4
7.8 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/04. Implement the ProgrammingLanguageDetailViewModel.mp4
13 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/05. Set up the View with a DataGrid.mp4
7.9 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/06. Refresh the Programming Languages in Open Friend Tabs.mp4
12 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/07. Add and Remove Programming Languages.mp4
20 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/08. Catch Exceptions When Saving Referenced Languages.mp4
7.5 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/09. Check if a Programming Language Is Referenced.mp4
5.6 MB
18. Creating a Detail View for Collections/10. Summary.mp4
927 kB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/01. Introduction.mp4
3.4 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/02. Two Users Saving the Same Friend.mp4
4.4 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/03. Handle Concurrency Conflicts.mp4
1.8 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/04. Optimistic Concurrency with Entity Framework.mp4
2.3 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/05. Add a Row Version to the Friend Entity.mp4
22 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/06. Handle the DbUpdateConcurrencyException.mp4
20 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/07. When Another User Has Deleted an Entity.mp4
24 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/08. Move the Exception Handling to the Base Class.mp4
21 MB
19. Implementing Optimistic Concurrency/09. Summary.mp4
2.0 MB
20. Styling the Application/01. Introduction.mp4
2.8 MB
20. Styling the Application/02. What the Final Application Should Look Like.mp4
1.8 MB
20. Styling the Application/03. Ways to Style Your WPF Application.mp4
3.2 MB
20. Styling the Application/04. Add Mahapps.Metro to the FriendOrganizer Application.mp4
26 MB
20. Styling the Application/05. Style the Navigation and the Tab Headers.mp4
23 MB
20. Styling the Application/06. Fix the Font Sizes for Buttons and ComboBoxes.mp4
15 MB
20. Styling the Application/07. Adjust the Colors of Validation Errors and Controls.mp4
11 MB
20. Styling the Application/08. Use the TextBox Style from Mahapps.Metro.mp4
9.6 MB
20. Styling the Application/09. Use the Mahapps.Metro MessageDialog.mp4
20 MB
20. Styling the Application/10. The Final FriendOrganizer Application.mp4
6.6 MB
20. Styling the Application/11. Course Summary.mp4
3.4 MB
2.4 MB