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Aspect, Alain - Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022 (3 books)

File Name
_Alain Aspect (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022).txt
1.9 kB
_CV (updated March 2012).pdf
172 kB
_Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022 - Press Release.pdf
214 kB
516 B
Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers [ed.]/Aspect, Alain [ed.] - Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers (Kluwer, 2002).jpg
68 kB
Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers [ed.]/Aspect, Alain [ed.] - Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers (Kluwer, 2002).pdf
7.2 MB
Introduction to Quantum Optics [with Grynberg & Fabre]/Aspect, Alain - Introduction to Quantum Optics (Cambridge, 2010).jpg
88 kB
Introduction to Quantum Optics [with Grynberg & Fabre]/Aspect, Alain - Introduction to Quantum Optics (Cambridge, 2010).pdf
4.5 MB
Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling [with Bardou et al.]/Aspect, Alain - Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling (Cambridge, 2002).jpg
193 kB
Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling [with Bardou et al.]/Aspect, Alain - Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling (Cambridge, 2002).pdf
1.7 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/A Bose-Einstein Condensate of Metastable Atoms (2001).pdf
208 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/A focussing funnel for metastable helium (1999).pdf
616 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/A New Light on Single Photon Interferences (1986).pdf
415 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/A quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms (2010).pdf
424 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/A reflection grating for atoms at normal incidence (1997).pdf
374 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/About resonant scattering and other hypothetical effects... (1985).pdf
211 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Absolute measurement of an atomic cascade rate using a two photon... (1980).pdf
438 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/All-optical cooling of 39K to Bose-Einstein condensation (2014).pdf
341 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/All-optical runaway evaporation to Bose-Einstein condensation (2009).pdf
154 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/An atom interferometer for measuring loss of coherence... (2004).pdf
214 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/An Atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiment (2015).pdf
1.0 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/An oscillator circuit to produce a radio-frequency discharge... (2012).pdf
808 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anderson Localization of Bogolyubov Quasiparticles in Interacting... (2007).pdf
401 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anderson Localization of Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensates... (2007).pdf
244 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anderson localization of matter waves in tailored disordered potentials (2012).pdf
1.2 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anderson localization of matter-waves in optical speckle (2009).pdf
187 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anderson localization of ultracold atoms (2009).pdf
1.6 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Anisotropic 2D Diffusive Expansion of Ultracold Atoms... (2010).pdf
679 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atom chips in the real world (2005).pdf
432 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atom Laser Divergence (2001).pdf
273 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atom optics_ from basic science to applications (1997).pdf
358 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atomic diffraction by a thin phase grating (1994).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atomic Hong–Ou–Mandel experiment (2015).pdf
518 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atomic Interference in Grazing Incidence Diffraction... (1998).pdf
129 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Atomic Transport in an Optical Lattice (1996).pdf
118 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Beam Quality of a Nonideal Atom Laser (2006).pdf
308 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Bell's Theorem_ The Naive View of an Experimentalist (2002).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Bell’s Inequality Test_ More Ideal Than Ever (1999).pdf
217 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Channeling Atoms in a Laser Standing Wave (1987).pdf
656 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Closing the Door on Einstein and Bohr’s Quantum Debate (2015).pdf
280 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Coherence length of an elongated condensate (2005).pdf
263 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Coherence properties of a two-dimensional trapped Bose gas... (2011).pdf
361 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson Localization... (2013).pdf
158 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Atoms (2012).pdf
673 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Coherent matter wave inertial sensors for precision measurements in space (2012).pdf
425 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Colour centres in Diamond as Practical Single-Photon Sources (2006).pdf
123 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Comparison of the Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect for bosons and fermions (2007).pdf
263 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Cooling Atoms with Stimulated Emission (1986).pdf
895 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Critical Temperature of a Trapped, Weakly Interacting Bose Gas (2004).pdf
114 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/De l’article d’Einstein Podolsky et Rosen à l’information quantique (2005).pdf
1.2 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Delayed-Choice Test of Quantum Complementarity with Interfering Single Photons (2008).pdf
300 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate... (2008).pdf
199 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Diffuse atomic reflection at a rough mirror (1997).pdf
365 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter waves... (2008).pdf
467 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Disorder-induced trapping versus Anderson localization in Bose–Einstein... (2008).pdf
1.3 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Effect of a bias field on disordered waveguides (2017).pdf
416 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Effect of disorder close to the superfluid transition in a two-dimensional... (2012).pdf
374 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Electomagnet trap for cold atoms (1998).pdf
83 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Electric field selectivity and multiplexing of volume holograms... (2000).pdf
119 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Expansion of a quantum wave packet in a one-dimensional disordered... (2018).pdf
1.4 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental and MCHF isotope shifts of strongly perturbed levels... (1991).pdf
1.6 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental and theoretical isotope shifts of strontium levels (1984).pdf
601 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental Evidence for a Photon Anticorrelation Effect... (1986).pdf
553 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment (1982).pdf
307 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment (2007).pdf
257 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental study of coupling Bose–Einstein condensates into weakly... (2001).pdf
198 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental study of the thermodynamics of an interacting trapped... (2004).pdf
402 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental study of the transport of coherent interacting matter-waves... (2006).pdf
763 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental Test of Bell's Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers (1982).pdf
286 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell's Theorem (1981).pdf
318 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Fast production of Bose-Einstein condensates of metastable helium (2015).pdf
286 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Feedback Control of Trapped Coherent Atomic Ensembles (2013).pdf
527 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Foreword to "Quantum Chance" (2014).pdf
132 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/From Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger to Bohr and Feynman (2013).pdf
315 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/From Huygens' waves to Einstein's photons (2017).pdf
1.4 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Generation and detection of squeezed states of light by nondegenerate... (1985).pdf
759 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Generation of squeezed states of light with a fiber-optic ring interferometer (1986).pdf
1.8 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Getting the Elastic Scattering Length by Observing Inelastic Collisions... (2004).pdf
412 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Gray-molasses cooling of 39 K to a high phase-space density (2013).pdf
360 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser (2006).pdf
294 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Hanbury Brown and Twiss Bunching of Phonons and of the Quantum... (2020).pdf
685 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations in atoms scattered from colliding... (2008).pdf
189 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Impressionist views of quantum enginees (1991).pdf
2.3 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Influence of gold coating and interplate voltage on the performance... (2013).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Interrupted evaporative cooling of 87 Rb atoms trapped... (1999).pdf
119 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Ionization Rates in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Metastable Helium (2002).pdf
127 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/John Bell and the Second Quantum Revolution (2003).pdf
5.7 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Joint measurements of spin, operational locality, and uncertainty (2005).pdf
99 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Laser Cooling below the One-Photon Recoil Energy by Velocity-Selective... (1989).pdf
1.6 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Laser Light_ Another Path to Ultra-low Temperatures (1991).pdf
39 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Laser Manipulation of Neutral Atoms (1995).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Light-shift tomography in an optical-dipole trap for neutral atoms (2008).pdf
287 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Linear Momentum Conservation in Coherent Population Trapping (1990).pdf
726 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Localization of a matter wave packet in a disordered potential (2011).pdf
235 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Magnetic trapping of metastable helium atoms (2000).pdf
92 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Magnetically assisted Sisyphus effect (1993).pdf
1.3 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Magneto-Optical Trapping of Metastable Helium (1992).pdf
457 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Manipulation of neutral atoms. Experiments (1992).pdf
2.6 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Measurement of Spectral Functions of Ultracold Atoms in Disordered Potentials (2018).pdf
983 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Measurement of the van der Waals Force in an Atomic Mirror (1996).pdf
166 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Mechanical Hanle effect (1991).pdf
929 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Mode-Coupling Control in Resonant Devices (2006).pdf
204 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Momentum distribution and correlation function of quasicondensates (2003).pdf
62 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Momentum Spectroscopy of 1D Phase Fluctuations in Bose-Einstein Condensates (2003).pdf
199 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Momentum-Resolved Observation of Thermal and Quantum Depletion... (2016).pdf
456 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Momentum-Space Atom Correlations in a Mott Insulator (2019).pdf
1.3 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Multifrequency evaporative cooling to Bose-Einstein condensation... (2000).pdf
88 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/New Physics with Evanescent Wave Atomic Mirrors (1998).pdf
120 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Nondestructive detection of atoms bouncing on an evanescent wave (1995).pdf
300 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Nonlinear scattering of atomic bright solitons in disorder (2017).pdf
694 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Observation of Atom Pairs in Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing... (2007).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Observation of intensity correlations in the fluorescence from laser cooled atoms (1995).pdf
520 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Observation of Photon Antibunching in Phase-Matched Multiatom... (1986).pdf
878 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Observations of Density Fluctuations in an Elongated Bose Gas (2006).pdf
254 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/On the quantum nature of the Casimir-Polder interaction (2000).pdf
100 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/One-dimensional Anderson localization in certain correlated random potentials (2009).pdf
315 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Optical detection of cold atoms without spontaneous emission (1999).pdf
194 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Optical reversibility theorems for polarization (1993).pdf
844 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Partially ferromagnetic electromagnet for trapping and cooling... (2005).pdf
796 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Phase Locking a Clock Oscillator to a Coherent Atomic Ensemble (2015).pdf
501 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Phase Locking an Atom Interferometer (2016).pdf
616 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Phase-Sensitive Measurements of Order Parameters for Ultracold Atoms... (2011).pdf
214 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Polarized atomic fluorescence following molecular photodissociation (1984).pdf
80 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Population and phase coherence during the growth of an elongated... (2007).pdf
392 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Preparation of a pure intense beam of metastable helium by laser cooling (1990).pdf
783 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Producing and Detecting Correlated Atoms (2006).pdf
4.4 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Production of strongly bound 39K bright solitons (2016).pdf
385 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Proposed experiment to test separable hidden-variable theories (1975).pdf
178 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Proposed experiment to test the nonseparability of quantum mechanics (1976).pdf
319 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quantum atom optics with bosons and fermions (2008).pdf
426 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quantum beats in continuously excited atomic cascades (1984).pdf
349 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quantum Interference Effect for Two Atoms Radiating a Single Photon (1985).pdf
651 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quantum Reflection (1996).pdf
470 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quasi-continuous horizontally guided atom laser (2011).pdf
719 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Quasicontinuous Atom Laser in the Presence of Gravity (2001).pdf
249 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Reality and the Quantum Theory (1985).pdf
3.9 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Realizing a stable magnetic double-well potential on an atom chip (2005).pdf
222 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Recent Advances in Subrecoil Laser Cooling (1994).pdf
1.2 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Reflection of atoms from a dielectric wave guide (1994).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Regimes of classical transport of cold gases in a two-dimensional... (2011).pdf
2.2 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Resolved diffraction patterns from a reflection grating for atoms (2003).pdf
111 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Resonant enhancement of evanescent waves with a thin dielectric... (1994).pdf
531 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Role of wire imperfections in micromagnetic traps for atoms (2004).pdf
164 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Selective state spectroscopy and multifractality in disordered Bose-Einstein... (2018).pdf
1.7 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Single-photon wavefront-splitting interference (2005).pdf
490 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Smoothing a current-carrying atomic mirror (1999).pdf
189 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Specular Reflection of Matter Waves from a Rough Mirror (2002).pdf
143 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Specular versus diffuse reflection of atoms from an evanescent-wave mirror (1996).pdf
249 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Spontaneous light scattering from propagating density fluctuations... (1998).pdf
189 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Study of laser deceleration of an atomic beam by monitoring the fluorescence... (1989).pdf
360 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Sub-Poissonian Number Differences in Four-Wave Mixing of Matter Waves (2010).pdf
546 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Subrecoil laser cooling and Lévy flights (1994).pdf
259 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Suppression and Revival of Weak Localization through Control of... (2015).pdf
1.5 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Suppression of Transport of an Interacting Elongated Bose-Einstein... (2005).pdf
273 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Tapered-amplified antireflection-coated laser diodes for potassium... (2006).pdf
930 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Testing Bell’s Inequalities (1991).pdf
1.1 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/The birth of wave mechanics (1923–1926) [2017].pdf
282 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/The evolution of interacting quantum systems (2010).pdf
736 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/The First Single-Photon Sources (2013).pdf
1.3 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/The Hanbury Brown Twiss Effect for Atoms (2005).pdf
467 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Theoretical tools for atom-laser-beam propagation (2008).pdf
223 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Theory of atomic diffraction from evanescent waves (1999).pdf
235 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Thermalization of magnetically trapped metastable helium (2001).pdf
59 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Three-dimensional laser cooling at the Doppler limit (2014).pdf
298 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms... (2012).pdf
1.4 MB
Miscellaneous Papers/Time Correlations between the Two Sidebands of the Resonance... (1980).pdf
266 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/To Be or Not to Be Local (2007).pdf
160 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection and manipulation (2009).pdf
313 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection... (2009).pdf
313 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Tunable source of correlated atom beams (2013).pdf
451 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Two body loss rate in a magneto-optical trap of metastable He (2000).pdf
197 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Two-Dimensional Subrecoil Laser Cooling (1994).pdf
385 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Two-Particle Four-Mode Interferometer for Atoms (2017).pdf
574 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Ultracold Bose Gases in 1D Disorder (2007).pdf
359 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Understanding the production of dual Bose-Einstein condensation... (2001).pdf
109 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Using atomic interference to probe atom-surface interactions (2000).pdf
204 kB
Miscellaneous Papers/Wave-particle duality for single photons (1987).pdf
2.8 MB