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(digimob) Occult Mob's Submissions Digest #22

File Name
Audio/Qabalistic Meditation Series (1979).zip
539 MB
60 MB
Courses/GD Correspondence Courses 55 -
69 MB
Digimob's FAQ.txt
12 kB
Text/Alchemy - Symbols, Fonts,
364 kB
Text/Ambelain, Robert - The Practical Kabbalah for the Theurgy.pdf
2.8 MB
Text/Ancient Nepal - Journal of Ancient
18 MB
Text/Andresen, Jensine - Kalacakra - Textual and Ritual Perspectives.pdf
23 MB
Text/Anonymous - Rituals of Fratres Lucis.pdf
1.1 MB
Text/Anonymous - Rituals of the Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry.pdf
4.3 MB
Text/Atlantis Rising
109 MB
9.1 MB
Text/Balance, J. - A.O.S. - Artist, Occultist, Sensualist.pdf
3.5 MB
Text/Bell, Christopher Paul - Tsiu Marpo - The Career of a Tibetan Protector Deity.pdf
35 MB
Text/Bentor, Yael - Interiorized Fire Rituals in India and in Tibet.pdf
701 kB
Text/Bernbaum, Edwin - The Mythic Journey and its Symbolism - A Study of the Development of Buddhist Guidebooks to Sambhala in Relation to their Antecedents in Hindu Mythology.pdf
14 MB
Text/Brotherhood of the R+C.pdf
32 MB
Text/Budge, E.A. Wallis - The Book of Am-Tuat.pdf
198 kB
Text/Bulesu Siklos - Datura Rituals in the Vajramahabhairava-Tantra.pdf
1.4 MB
Text/Case, Paul F. - The Book of Tokens.pdf
1.7 MB
Text/Chronologia Rorispergius.pdf
217 kB
Text/Cleland, Elizabeth - The Vajrakilaya Sadhana - An Euro-American Experience of a Nyingma Ritual.pdf
8.0 MB
Text/Collier, Irene - Chinese Mythology.pdf
3.5 MB
Text/Cosimano, Charles - Elementary Psionics.pdf
1.0 MB
Text/Crowley et
9.5 MB
Text/Cuevas, Bryan - The Hidden Treasures of Sgam-po-gdar Mountain - A History of the Zhi-khro Revelations of Karma-gling-pa and the Making of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.pdf
26 MB
Text/Dalton, Jacob - Anuyoga.pdf
14 MB
Text/Davidson, Dan - Shape Power.pdf
4.6 MB
Text/Davis - The Black Box and Other Psychic Generators (1987).pdf
1.8 MB
Text/Denning & Phillips - Entrance to the Magical Qabalah.pdf
7.4 MB
Text/Djurdjevic, Gordan - Masters of Magical Powers - the Nath Siddhas in the Light of Esoteric Notions.pdf
14 MB
Text/Doctor, Andreas - The Tibetan Treasure Literature -A Study of the Revelations of the Visionary Master Mchog gyur bde chen gling pa.pdf
9.8 MB
Text/Elder, George - The Samputa Tantra - Edition and Translation, chapters I-IV.pdf
5.9 MB
Text/Ellis - Low Twelve [1907].pdf
2.7 MB
Text/Feldman, Daniel - Qabalah - The Mystical Heritage of the Children of Abraham.pdf
4.7 MB
Text/Fuller, J.F.C. - Secret Wisdom Of The Qabalah.pdf
1.9 MB
Text/Gamble, Eliza Burt - The God Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion.pdf
544 kB
Text/Garrett, Frances Mary - Narratives of Embryology - Becoming Human in Tibetan Literature.pdf
21 MB
Text/Garson, Nathaniel - Penetrating the Secret Essence of Tantra - Context and Philosophy in the Mahayoga System of rNying-ma Tantra.pdf
4.8 MB
Text/George, Christopher Starr - The Candamaharosana Tantra.pdf
6.6 MB
Text/Germano, David - Poetic Thought, the Intelligent Universe, and the Mystery of Self - the Tantric Synthesis of rDzogs Chen in fourteenth Century Tibet.pdf
69 MB
Text/Gilbert, R.A. - Chaos Out of Order - The Rise and Fall of the Swedenborgian Rite.pdf
650 kB
Text/Gilbert, R.A. - The Masonic Career of A.E. Waite.pdf
631 kB
Text/Gnostic Catechism.pdf
226 kB
Text/Godwin, Joscelyn - Mystery of the Seven Vowels.pdf
4.5 MB
Text/Grant, Kenneth -Outside the Circles of Time.pdf
36 MB
Text/Gray, David - Compassionate Violence? On the Ethical Implications of Tantric Buddhist Ritual.pdf
110 kB
Text/Gray, David - Eating the Heart of the Brahmin - Representations of Alterity and the Formation of Identity in Tantric Buddhist Discourse.pdf
193 kB
Text/Gray, David - On Supreme Bliss - A Study of the History and Interpretation of the Chakrasamvara Tantra.pdf
42 MB
Text/Gray, David - The Cakrasamvara-Tantra - Its History, Interpretation, and Practice in India and Tibet.pdf
176 kB
Text/Greenfield, Allen - Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts.pdf
15 MB
Text/Greenfield, Allen - The Roots of Modern Magick - 1700 thru 2000.pdf
45 MB
Text/Hagens, Bethe - Geometry - An Ancient, Universal Teaching Model of Unity.pdf
201 kB
Text/Hanson-Barber, A.W. - The Life and Teachings of Vairocana.pdf
12 MB
Text/Harrington, Laura - A View of Majusri - Wisdom and its Crown Prince in Pala-period India.pdf
23 MB
Text/Hartzell, James - Tantric Yoga.pdf
68 MB
Text/Hirschi, Gertrud - Mudras - Yags in Your Hands.pdf
2.3 MB
Text/Huntington, John - The Phur-Pa, Tibetan Ritual Daggers.pdf
12 MB
Text/Hurley, Matthew - Historical Artwork and UFOs.pdf
790 kB
Text/Jacoby, Sarah Hieatt - Consorts and Revelation in Eastern Tibet - the Auto:biographical Writings of the Treasure Revealer Sera Khandro.pdf
32 MB
Text/Jennings, Hargrave - Rosicrucians Rites & Mysteries.pdf
4.1 MB
Text/Jessup, M.K. - The Case for the UFO.pdf
820 kB
Text/John Whitney Pettit II - Theory, Practice and Ultimate Reality in the Thought of Mipham Rinpoche.pdf
31 MB
Text/Kalff, Martin - Selected Chapters from the Abhidhanottara-Tantra - The Union of Female and Male Deities.pdf
16 MB
Text/Karmay, Samten G. - Dorje Lingpa and His Rediscovery of the Gold Needle in Bhutan.pdf
72 kB
Text/Kasak & Veede - Understanding Planets in Ancient Mesopotamia.pdf
276 kB
Text/Kivela, Sami - The Sacred Hilltop - A Hermeneutical Case Study on the Svayambhu Site in Kathmandu.pdf
2.2 MB
Text/Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth - On Death and Dying.pdf
732 kB
Text/Leadbeater, C.W. - Glimpses of Masonic History.pdf
1.2 MB
Text/Leadbeater, C.W. - The Hidden Life in Freemasonry, 2e.pdf
1.8 MB
Text/Martinist Tradition vol.
17 MB
Text/Mckenna, Terence - Invisible Landscape.pdf
1.3 MB
Text/Memphis and
53 MB
Text/Min Tzu - The Art of Getting Even.pdf
823 kB
Text/Ming Zhen Shakya - The Seventh World of Chan Buddhism.pdf
790 kB
Text/Moody, Raymond A. - Life After Life.txt
236 kB
Text/Morris, Glenn - Path Notes of an American Ninja Master.pdf
1.8 MB
Text/Motta, Marcelo - The Commentaries of AL.doc
752 kB
Text/Nettleton, Stuart - The Alchemy
5.7 MB
Text/Newman, John - The Outer Wheel of Time - Vajrayana Buddhist Cosmology in the Kalacakra Tantra.pdf
23 MB
1.6 MB
Text/Pike & Cummings - The Spurious Rites of Memphis and Misraim.pdf
442 kB
Text/Plangiere - Grimoirium Verum.pdf
3.0 MB
Text/Ray, Reginald - Reading the Vajrayana in Context - A Reassessment of Bengal Blackie.pdf
1.9 MB
Text/Rhodes, Michael - Translation of the Book of Breathings.pdf
584 kB
Text/Sanderson, Alexis - History Through Textual Criticism in the Study of Saivism, the Pancaratra and the Buddhist Yogini Tantras.pdf
5.6 MB
Text/Sanderson, Alexis - Saiva Sources of the Buddhist Yogini Tantras - the Case of the Ritual of Initiation Taught in the Laghusamvara Tantra.pdf
145 kB
Text/Sanderson, Alexis - Vajrayana - Origin and Function.pdf
1.8 MB
Text/Saso - Tantric Art and Meditation.pdf
9.6 MB
Text/Saso, Michael - Taoist Master Chuang.pdf
14 MB
Text/Scales, Sandra Lyn - The Turquoise Sky.pdf
5.7 MB
Text/Schaeffer, Kurtis - The Attainment of Immortality - From Nathas in India to Buddhists in Tibet.pdf
142 kB
Text/Schuchard, Marsha - Why Mrs. Blake Cried - Swedenborg, Blake, and the Sexual Basis of Spiritual Vision.pdf
774 kB
Text/Schulke, Daniel Alvin - Ars Philtron.pdf
77 MB
Text/Sekhet-Maat - Lion &
19 MB
Text/Sherpa, Trungram Rinpoche - Gampopa, the Monk and the Yogi - His Life and Teachings.pdf
1.6 MB
Text/Siegel, L.A. - Bengal Blackie Rides Again.pdf
52 kB
Text/Siegel, Lee - Bengal Blackie and the Sacred Slut - A Sahajayana Buddhist Song.pdf
768 kB
Text/Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton - Zanoni - A Rosicrucian Tale.pdf
1.8 MB
Text/Sir Wallis Budge - Egyptian Magic.pdf
2.0 MB
42 MB
Text/Stablein, William - A Medical-Cultural System Among the Tibetan and Newar Buddhists - Ceremonial Medicine.pdf
913 kB
Text/Stablein, William - The Mahakalatantra - A Theory of Ritual Blessings and Tantric Medicine.pdf
10 MB
Text/Steiner, Rudolf - Christianity as Mystical Fact.pdf
2.6 MB
Text/Stewart, R.J. - Underworld Initiation.pdf
15 MB
92 MB
Text/The Martinist Operative & General Ritual.pdf
196 kB
Text/The Tarot of C.C. Zain.pdf
567 kB
Text/The Tarot of Saint-Germain.pdf
486 kB
Text/The Teachings of Master
12 MB
554 kB
Text/Touw, Mia - The Religious and Medicinal Uses of Cannabis in China, India and Tibet.pdf
79 kB
Text/Tsarong, Tsewang - Tibetan Psychopharmacology [German].pdf
12 MB
Text/Vargas, Ivette - Falling to Pieces, Emerging Whole - Suffering Illness and Healing Renunciation in the Dge slong ma Dpal mo Tradition.pdf
10 MB
36 MB
Text/Walter, Michael
16 MB
Text/Wedemeyer, Christian - Vajrayana and its Doubles - A Critical Historiography, Exposition, and Translation of the Tantric Works of Aryadeva.pdf
20 MB
Text/Weeks, Stuart - Instruction and Imagery in Proverbs 1-9.pdf
3.4 MB
Text/Weinberger, Steven - The Significance of Yoga Tantra and the Compendium of Principles within Tantric Buddhism in India and Tibet.pdf
1.7 MB
Text/Westlund, Tommy - An Overview of the Alchemical and Magical System of the Gold und Rosenkreuz Order.pdf
1.7 MB
Text/Wolfson, Elliot - Alef, Mem, Tau - Kabbalistic Musings on Time, Truth and Death.pdf
3.5 MB
Text/Wynants, Eric - The True History of Scottish Esoteric Masonry.pdf
212 kB
Text/Xu, Xiangcai - Qigong for Treating Common Ailments.pdf
6.8 MB
Text/Yarker, John - Arcane Schools.pdf
3.1 MB
Text/Yarnall, Thomas - The Emptiness that is Form Developing the Body of Buddhahood in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Tantra.pdf
33 MB
Text/Yates, Frances - The Rosicrucian Enlightenment.pdf
25 MB
Text/Yong-Hyun Lee - Synthesizing a Liturgical Heritage - Abhayakaragupta's Vajravali and the Kalacakramandala.pdf
35 MB
Text/Zalewski - Magical Tarot of the Golden Dawn.pdf
64 MB
Text/Zysk, Kenneth - The Science of Respiration and the Doctrine of the Bodily Winds in Ancient India.pdf
2.4 MB
699 MB
Video/Carlos Castaneda - Enigma of a Sorcerer.avi
728 MB
580 MB
Video/Secret lives...L Ron Hubbard.avi
325 MB