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[Coursera] Terrorism and Counterterrorism Comparing Theory and Practice

File Name
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/4 - 5.4 Fear and impact management (1033).mp4
46 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/5 - 5.5 Future of terrorism (1008).mp4
41 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/2 - 5.2 Underresearched topics (758).mp4
34 MB
8 - Week 4 5 Assumptions on Counterterrorism/1 - 4.1 Assumption One can recognise a terrorist (1810).mp4
32 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/2 - 1.2 History of terrorism (1622).mp4
31 MB
1 - Week 0 Welcome to the course/1 - Week 0 Welcome to the course (1155).mp4
30 MB
8 - Week 4 5 Assumptions on Counterterrorism/4 - 4.4 Assumption Terrorism cannot be defeated (1715).mp4
30 MB
6 - Week 3 5 Assumptions on Terrorism/5 - 3.5 Assumption Terrorism is successful (1745).mp4
29 MB
8 - Week 4 5 Assumptions on Counterterrorism/5 - 4.5 Assumption Terrorism can best be managed by a holistic approach (1706).mp4
29 MB
8 - Week 4 5 Assumptions on Counterterrorism/3 - 4.3 Assumption Decapitation of terrorist organisations works (1650).mp4
28 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/7 - Final video reflection on the course the learning outcomes and looking forward.mp4
26 MB
6 - Week 3 5 Assumptions on Terrorism/1 - 3.1 Assumption Terrorism is caused by poverty (1441).mp4
26 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/5 - 1.5 Need for a definition some attempts (1243).mp4
24 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/3 - 5.3 Fear and resilience (1222).mp4
23 MB
8 - Week 4 5 Assumptions on Counterterrorism/2 - 4.2 Assumption Deradicalisation is possible (1250).mp4
22 MB
3 - Extra videos week 1/1 - Extra Interview with Prof. em. Alex Schmid about defining terrorism.mp4
22 MB
9 - Extra videos week 4/2 - Extra video week 4 Response to the Questionnaires (829).mp4
22 MB
6 - Week 3 5 Assumptions on Terrorism/3 - 3.3 Assumption Terrorism is increasingly lethal (1301).mp4
21 MB
5 - Extra videos week 2/2 - Week 2 Response to the Questionnaires and Discussion Forum.mp4
21 MB
4 - Week 2 Researching Terrorism and Counterterrorism/1 - 2.1 History of terrorism studies (1155).mp4
20 MB
12 - Week 6 Extra videos and the Google Hangout live video chat/1 - Response to the Questionnaires of week 4.mp4
20 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/4 - 1.4 Why no generally accepted definition (1106).mp4
19 MB
4 - Week 2 Researching Terrorism and Counterterrorism/3 - 2.3 Key authors centres (1116).mp4
19 MB
6 - Week 3 5 Assumptions on Terrorism/4 - 3.4 Assumption Terrorism is predominantly anti-western (1202).mp4
19 MB
6 - Week 3 5 Assumptions on Terrorism/2 - 3.2 Assumption Terrorists are crazy (1001).mp4
18 MB
4 - Week 2 Researching Terrorism and Counterterrorism/4 - 2.4 Challenges dilemmas (840).mp4
17 MB
7 - Extra videos week 3/1 - Extra video week 3 Response to the Discussion Forum (524).mp4
16 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/6 - Extra video Reaction to the Discussion Forum of week 4.mp4
15 MB
7 - Extra videos week 3/2 - Extra video week 3 Response to the Questionnaires (617).mp4
14 MB
4 - Week 2 Researching Terrorism and Counterterrorism/5 - 2.5 Current state of the art (751).mp4
14 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/6 - 1.6 Essence of terrorism (702).mp4
14 MB
3 - Extra videos week 1/3 - Extra video Week 1 The Discussion Forum.mp4
14 MB
12 - Week 6 Extra videos and the Google Hangout live video chat/2 - Week 6 Response to the questionnaires of week 5.mp4
13 MB
4 - Week 2 Researching Terrorism and Counterterrorism/2 - 2.2 Disciplines approaches (726).mp4
12 MB
5 - Extra videos week 2/1 - Interview with Akinola Olojo about the lack of non-Western researchers in Terrorism Studies.mp4
12 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/1 - 1.1 Introduction (541).mp4
10 MB
2 - Week 1 Definition and essence of terrorism/3 - 1.3 Use of the word terrorism (518).mp4
10 MB
3 - Extra videos week 1/2 - Extra video Week 1 General info announcements.mp4
9.4 MB
9 - Extra videos week 4/1 - Video presentation of Quirine Eijkman of Amnesty International on drone strikes in Pakistan.mp4
6.5 MB
11 - Extra videos week 5/1 - Peter Knoope Director of the ICCT (240).mp4
5.4 MB
10 - Week 5 Dealing with terrorism and the future/1 - 5.1 Past weeks and this week (232).mp4
4.6 MB
2.8 kB