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18.02-Ron Larson, Bruce H. Edwards Multivariable Calculus, Ninth Edition.pdf
69 MB
18.024-Tom M. Apostol Calculus, Vol. 1 One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra Second Edition Volume 1 1967.pdf
16 MB
18.024-Tom M. Apostol Calculus, Vol. 2 Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications 1969.pdf
13 MB
18.03-C. Henry Edwards, David E. Penney Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems 2003.pdf
18 MB
18.034-Garrett Birkhoff, Gian-Carlo Rota Ordinary differential equations 1989.pdf
27 MB
18.05-F.M. Dekking, C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuhaä, L.E. Meester A modern introduction to probability and statistics understanding why and how 2007.pdf
4.4 MB
32 MB
18.06-Gilbert Strang Introduction to Linear Algebra, Third Edition 2003.pdf
64 MB
18.06-Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra and Its Applications 4ed 2005.pdf
4.7 MB
18.062j-Mathematics for Computer Science-Lehman.pdf
2.9 MB
18.085,18.086,18.303-Gilbert Strang Computational science and engineering 2007.pdf
58 MB
18.100A-Arthur P. Mattuck Introduction to analysis 1999.pdf
33 MB
18.100B-Principles of Mathematical Analysis 3e-Rudin.pdf
12 MB
12 MB
18.103-Krishna B. Athreya, Soumendra N. Lahiri Measure Theory and Probability Theory 2006.pdf
4.5 MB
18.104-George Polya, Gabor Szegö, C.E. Billigheimer Problems and theorems in analysis II 2004.pdf
19 MB
18.104-George Polya, Gabor Szegö, D. Aeppli, C.E. Billigheimer Problems and theorems in analysis I 2004.pdf
16 MB
18.112-Complex Analysis-Ahlfors.pdf
9.8 MB
18.112-Complex-Variables-and-Applications 8e-Brown,Churchill.pdf
4.3 MB
18.112-John B Conway Functions of One Complex Variable v. 1 1978.pdf
11 MB
18.112-John B. Conway Functions of One Complex Variable II Graduate Texts in Mathematics Pt. 2 1995.pdf
12 MB
18.125-Daniel W. Stroock A concise introduction to the theory of integration, second edition 1994.pdf
3.5 MB
18.125-Real analysis Measure Theory Integration and Hilbert Spaces-Shakarchi.pdf
2.3 MB
18.135-Helgason S. Integral geometry and Radon transforms 2011.pdf
2.2 MB
18.152,18.306-Sandro Salsa Partial differential equations in action From modelling to theory 2010.pdf
3.9 MB
18.155-F. G. Friedlander, M. Joshi Introduction to the theory of distributions 1999.pdf
5.0 MB
18.155-The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I-Hormander.pdf
27 MB
18.155-The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II-Hormander.pdf
41 MB
18.155-The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators III-Hormander.pdf
21 MB
18.155-The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators IV-Hormander.pdf
89 MB
18.175-Daniel W. Stroock Probability Theory An Analytic View, Second Edition 2010.pdf
4.7 MB
18.177-Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Daniel W. Stroock Large Deviations Pure and Applied Mathematics Academic Pr 1989.pdf
4.4 MB
18.276-Victor G. Kac Vertex algebras for beginners 1998.pdf
12 MB
18.304-Aigner M., Ziegler G. Proofs from THE BOOK 2010.pdf
2.8 MB
18.304-Polya, Tarjan, Woods Notes on Introductory Combinatorics 1990.pdf
6.2 MB
18.306,18.311-Gerald Beresford Whitham Linear and Nonlinear Waves Pure and Applied Mathematics 1974.pdf
10 MB
18.306-E. J. Hinch Perturbation methods 1991.pdf
6.6 MB
18.306-Emmanuele DiBenedetto Partial differential equations 2009.pdf
4.4 MB
18.306-Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt Scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics 1996.pdf
1.5 MB
18.306-Lawrence C. Evans Partial Differential Equations 1998.pdf
19 MB
18.306-Lokenath Debnath Nonlinear PDEs for scientists and engineers 1997.pdf
9.1 MB
18.306-P. G. Drazin, R. S. Johnson Solitons an introduction 1989.pdf
6.5 MB
18.311-C. C. Lin, L. A. Segel Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences Classics in Applied Mathematics 1988.pdf
26 MB
14 MB
18.311-Richard Haberman Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations With Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems 1987.pdf
18 MB
18.311-Richard Haberman Mathematical Models Mechanical Vibrations, Population Dynamics, and Traffic Flow Classics in Applied Mathematics 1987.pdf
36 MB
18.312-Enumerative Combinatorics Volume 1-Stanley.pdf
12 MB
18.312-Enumerative combinatorics Volume 2-Stanley.pdf
26 MB
18.312-J. H. van Lint, R. M. Wilson A course in combinatorics 2001.pdf
2.1 MB
18.312-Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, Oren Patashnik Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science 2nd Edition 1994.pdf
5.3 MB
18.314-A-Walk-Through-Combinatorics 2e-Bona.pdf
19 MB
18.314-Introduction to enumerative combinatorics-Bona.pdf
35 MB
18.330-Numerical Analysis 9e - Burden,Faires.pdf
13 MB
18.335-Numerical Linear Algebra-Trefethen.pdf
30 MB
18.354-D. J. Acheson Elementary Fluid Dynamics Oxford Applied Mathematics and Computing Science Series 1990.pdf
25 MB
18.369-Photonic Crystals Molding the Flow of Light.pdf
21 MB
18.369-Steven G. Johnson, John D. Joannopoulos Photonic Crystals - From Theory to Practice 2002.pdf
1.5 MB
18.395-J. F. Cornwell Group Theory in Physics An introduction Techniques of Physics Series 1997.pdf
4.0 MB
18.395-J. F. Cornwell Group Theory in Physics, Vol. 1 Techniques of Physics Series 1984.pdf
43 MB
18.395-J. F. Cornwell Group Theory in Physics, Vol. 2 Techniques of Physics Series 1984.pdf
63 MB
18.395-John F. Cornwell Group Theory in Physics, Volume 3 Supersymmetries and Infinite-Dimensional Algebras Techniques of Physics 1989.pdf
22 MB
18.395-Pierre Ramond Group Theory A Physicists Survey 2010.pdf
1.2 MB
18.396-John Terning Modern supersymmetry 2006.pdf
12 MB
18.396-Julius Wess, Jonathan Bagger Supersymmetry and Supergravity 1991.pdf
12 MB
18.396-Michael Dine Supersymmetry and string theory beyond the standard model 2007.pdf
1.8 MB
18.404-Michael Sipser Introduction to the Theory of Computation 2005.pdf
21 MB
18.410-Cormen T.H., Lee C., Lin E. Instructors manual for Introduction to algorithms 2ed 2002.pdf
1.4 MB
18.410-Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein Introduction To Algorithms. Solutions. Instructors.Manual 2003.pdf
1.7 MB
18.410-Thomas H Cormen Introduction to Algorithms 2001.pdf
14 MB
18.424-Elements of Information Theory 2e-Cover,Thomas.pdf
10 MB
18.434-Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal Probability and computing an introduction to randomized algorithms and probabilistic analysis 2005.pdf
20 MB
18.436-Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang Quantum computation and quantum information 2004.pdf
65 MB
18.438-Alexander Schrijver Combinatorial Optimization Polyhedra and Efficiency 3 volumes, A,B, & C 2003.pdf
8.9 MB
18.440-Sheldon Ross A First Course in Probability, 5th Ed scanned + Solutions Manual.pdf
44 MB
18.443-John A. Rice Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, Second Edition 1994.pdf
10 MB
18.443-Morris H. Degroot Probability and Statistics 2nd Edition 1986.pdf
27 MB
18.445-An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling 3e-Taylor,Karlin.pdf
62 MB
18.465-W.N. Venables, B.D. Ripley Modern Applied Statistics with S 2002.pdf
2.6 MB
18.466-Peter J. Bickel, Kjell A. Doksum Mathematical Statistics Basic Ideas and Selected Topics, Vol I 2nd Edition 2000.pdf
25 MB
18.504-Godels Theorem An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse-Franzen.pdf
12 MB
18.510-A Course in Mathematical Logic for Mathematicians-Manin.pdf
4.1 MB
18.510-Boolos, Burgess, Jeffrey Computability And Logic 2002.pdf
23 MB
18.510-Moshe Machover Set theory, logic, and their limitations 1996.pdf
19 MB
18.510-P. R. Halmos Naive set theory 1998.pdf
9.1 MB
18.510-Raymond M. Smullyan Goedels incompleteness theorems 1992.pdf
5.8 MB
18.510-Torkel Franzen Inexhaustibility A non-exhaustive treatment 2004.pdf
22 MB
18.511-Computability an Introduction to Recursive Function Theory-Cutland.pdf
4.5 MB
18.511-H.D. Ebbinghaus, J. Flum, W. Thomas Mathematical Logic 1984.pdf
6.9 MB
18.511-S. Barry Cooper Computability Theory Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series 2003.pdf
28 MB
18.515-Peter G. Hinman Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic 2005.pdf
62 MB
1.5 MB
28 MB
18.703-A First Course in Abstract Algebra 7e-Fraleigh.pdf
11 MB
18.704-Ideals, varieties, and algorithms-Cox.pdf
3.2 MB
18.704-Victor Kac, Pokman Cheung Quantum Calculus Universitext 2001.pdf
2.2 MB
18.705,18.725-Commutative algebra, with a view toward algebraic geometry-Eisenbud.pdf
32 MB
18.705-Miles Reid Undergraduate Commutative Algebra 1996.pdf
5.3 MB
18.705-Saunders Mac Lane Categories for the Working Mathematician Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1998.pdf
32 MB
18.706-Cohn P.M. Further algebra and applications 2003.pdf
32 MB
18.725,18.726-Algebraic Geometry-Hartshorne.pdf
41 MB
18.725-David Eisenbud, Joe Harris The Geometry of Schemes 2001.pdf
1.7 MB
18.725-David Mumford, E. Arbarello The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes 1358 1999.pdf
14 MB
18.725-Igor R. Shafarevich, M. Reid Basic Algebraic Geometry 1 Varieties in Projective Space 1994.pdf
12 MB
18.725-Igor R. Shafarevich, M. Reid Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 Schemes and Complex Manifolds v. 2 1994.pdf
10 MB
18.725-M. F. Atiyah, I. G. MacDonald Introduction to Commutative Algebra 1969.pdf
2.8 MB
18.737-Springer T. Linear Algebraic Groups 2008.pdf
37 MB
18.747-Victor G. Kac, A. K. Raina Bombay lectures on Highest weight representations of infinite dimensional Lie algebras 1988.pdf
3.3 MB
18.755-Sigurdur Helgason Differential geometry, Lie groups, and symmetric spaces 1979.pdf
40 MB
18.758-Anthony W. Knapp Representation theory of semisimple groups, an overview based on examples 1986.pdf
27 MB
18.781-David Burton Elementary number theory 2005.pdf
32 MB
18.781-H. Davenport The Higher Arithmetic An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers 2008.pdf
1.2 MB
18.781-Hardy G.H., Wright E.M. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.pdf
17 MB
18.781-Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman, Hugh L. Montgomery An introduction to the theory of numbers 1991.pdf
18 MB
18.783-Joseph H. Silverman The arithmetic of elliptic curves 2009.pdf
3.5 MB
18.783-Joseph H. Silverman, John Tate Rational points on elliptic curves 1992.pdf
22 MB
18.783-Lawrence C. Washington Elliptic Curves Number Theory and Cryptography, Second Edition Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 2008.pdf
4.6 MB
18.784-Jean Pierre Serre A Course in Arithmetic 1996 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1973.pdf
33 MB
18.786-Pierre Samuel Algebraic theory of numbers 1970.pdf
3.5 MB
18.901-Topology 2e-Munkres.pdf
29 MB
18.905-Massey W. Algebraic topology An introduction 1977.pdf
23 MB
18.905-Massey W.S. A basic course in algebraic topology 1991.pdf
16 MB
18.937-S. K. Donaldson, P. B. Kronheimer The Geometry of Four-Manifolds Oxford Mathematical Monographs 1997.pdf
18 MB
18.950-Manfredo Do Carmo Differential geometry of curves and surfaces 1976.pdf
16 MB
18.997-Noga Alon, Joel H. Spencer The Probabilistic Method 2008.pdf
13 MB
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