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Fullstack Flask and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects []

File Name
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/1. What You Will Learn After Completing The Course.mp4
45 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/6. Requirements For The Course.mp4
33 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/2. About Your Instructor.mp4
7.2 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/7. Summary.mp4
4.5 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/4. About The Exercises.mp4
3.6 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/5. Getting To Ask Questions.mp4
3.2 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/3. Getting The Source Code.mp4
1.8 MB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/1. What You Will Learn After Completing The
10 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/6. Requirements For The
6.1 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/2. About Your
3.2 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/7.
1.7 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/4. About The
1.5 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/5. Getting To Ask
1.4 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/3. Getting The Source
1.2 kB
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/3.2 Source Code For Notely App.html
123 B
Course []/1. Getting Set For The Course/3.1 Source Code For Building Materials E-Store.html
122 B
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/3. Defining The Problem.mp4
47 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/2. Understanding The Building Material Business.mp4
38 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/5. Creating The Solution.mp4
37 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
17 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/4. Specifying The Design Criteria.mp4
15 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/6. Summary.mp4
3.8 MB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/2. Understanding The Building Material
17 kB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/3. Defining The
11 kB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/5. Creating The
9.1 kB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/1. Getting Set For The
6.3 kB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/4. Specifying The Design
4.2 kB
Course []/10. Building Materials E-Store (BMES) Our Real Life Application/6.
2.0 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/7. Setting Up the BMES Project.mp4
111 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/2. Product Catalogue Specifications.mp4
28 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/3. Shopping Cart and Checkout Specifications.mp4
17 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
16 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/4. Customer Registration Specifications.mp4
14 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/6. BMES Administration Specifications.mp4
11 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/5. Customer Authentication Specifications.mp4
10 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/8. Summary.mp4
5.8 MB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/7. Setting Up the BMES
22 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/2. Product Catalogue
9.6 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/3. Shopping Cart and Checkout
6.7 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/1. Getting Set For The
5.5 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/5. Customer Authentication
5.4 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/4. Customer Registration
5.2 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/6. BMES Administration
4.3 kB
Course []/11. BMES Requirements and Project Set-Up/8.
1.9 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/9. Implementing the Product Catalogue Template.mp4
204 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/4. Defining Product Catalogue Models (Product, Category, and Brand).mp4
168 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/7. Creating the Catalogue Service.mp4
144 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/8. Implementing the Product Catalogue Views and URL Patterns.mp4
106 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/10. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for Product Catalogue Blueprint Part 1.mp4
98 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/6. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Product Catalogue Models.mp4
87 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/11. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for Product Catalogue Blueprint Part 2.mp4
80 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/2. Creating The Shared Blueprint.mp4
64 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/3. Creating The Product Catalogue Blueprint.mp4
64 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/5. Registering the Product Catalogue Models to Flask Admin Module.mp4
57 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
32 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/12. Summary.mp4
12 MB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/9. Implementing the Product Catalogue
32 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/4. Defining Product Catalogue Models (Product, Category, and Brand).srt
23 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/7. Creating the Catalogue
22 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/10. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for Product Catalogue Blueprint Part
18 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/6. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Product Catalogue
16 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/8. Implementing the Product Catalogue Views and URL
16 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/11. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for Product Catalogue Blueprint Part
15 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/3. Creating The Product Catalogue
14 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/2. Creating The Shared
14 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/5. Registering the Product Catalogue Models to Flask Admin
8.0 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/1. Getting Set For The
5.8 kB
Course []/12. BMES Implementing The Product Catalogue/12.
2.1 kB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/2. Managing The Product Catalogue Via The Admin Panel.mp4
118 MB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
4.2 MB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/4. Summary.mp4
2.7 MB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/3. Loading Data Into The Product Catalogue Database Tables From CSV Files.mp4
2.6 MB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/2. Managing The Product Catalogue Via The Admin
21 kB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/1. Getting Set For The
1.5 kB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/4.
1.4 kB
Course []/13. BMES Working With The Flask Admin Module/3. Loading Data Into The Product Catalogue Database Tables From CSV
1.2 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/5. Implementing the Cart Service Part 1.mp4
115 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/8. Implementing the Shopping Cart Templates.mp4
111 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/3. Defining the Shopping Cart Models.mp4
105 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/6. Implementing the Cart Service Part 2.mp4
98 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/9. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for The Shopping Cart Blueprint.mp4
80 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/7. Implementing The Shopping Cart Views and URL Patterns.mp4
44 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/2. Creating the Shopping Cart Blueprint.mp4
38 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/4. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Shopping Cart Models.mp4
26 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
7.1 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/10. Summary.mp4
4.9 MB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/5. Implementing the Cart Service Part
19 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/8. Implementing the Shopping Cart
16 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/3. Defining the Shopping Cart
16 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/6. Implementing the Cart Service Part
15 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/9. Implementing BEM Sass Styling for The Shopping Cart
14 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/7. Implementing The Shopping Cart Views and URL
7.7 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/2. Creating the Shopping Cart
7.3 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/4. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Shopping Cart
4.2 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/1. Getting Set For The
2.1 kB
Course []/14. BMES Implementing The Shopping Cart/10.
1.1 kB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/4. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Address Model.mp4
59 MB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/3. Defining Address Model.mp4
32 MB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/2. Creating the Location Blueprint.mp4
14 MB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
6.0 MB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/5. Summary.mp4
1.8 MB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/4. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Address
9.2 kB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/3. Defining Address
6.0 kB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/2. Creating the Location
2.9 kB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/1. Getting Set For The
2.7 kB
Course []/15. BMES Implementing Locations and Addresses Module/5.
878 B
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/3. Defining the Customer Models.mp4
62 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/5. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Customer Models.mp4
48 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/4. Registering the Customer Models To Flask Admin Module.mp4
31 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/2. Creating the User Blueprint.mp4
25 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/6. Summary.mp4
4.8 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
3.6 MB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/3. Defining the Customer
11 kB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/5. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Customer
10 kB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/2. Creating the User
5.0 kB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/4. Registering the Customer Models To Flask Admin
3.3 kB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/6.
1.6 kB
Course []/16. BMES Implementing Customer Registration/1. Getting Set For The
1.1 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/4. Defining the Order Models.mp4
119 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/8. Implementing the Checkout Service Part 2.mp4
113 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/7. Implementing the Checkout Service Part 1.mp4
91 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/10. Creating the Checkout Templates.mp4
82 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/11. Implementing BEM SASS Styling for The Checkout Blueprint.mp4
71 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/9. Implementing the Checkout Views And URL Patterns.mp4
61 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/3. Creating the Checkout Blueprint.mp4
46 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/2. Creating the Order Blueprint.mp4
30 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/5. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Order Models.mp4
14 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
13 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/12. Summary.mp4
6.2 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/6. Understanding the Checkout Workflow.mp4
6.0 MB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/8. Implementing the Checkout Service Part
16 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/4. Defining the Order
16 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/7. Implementing the Checkout Service Part
16 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/11. Implementing BEM SASS Styling for The Checkout
12 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/9. Implementing the Checkout Views And URL
11 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/10. Creating the Checkout
10 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/3. Creating the Checkout
9.4 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/2. Creating the Order
5.3 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/5. Creating and Executing Database Migration for Order
3.7 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/6. Understanding the Checkout
3.0 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/1. Getting Set For The
2.9 kB
Course []/17. BMES Implementing Ordering and Checkout/12.
1.4 kB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/2. Data Communication Pattern.mp4
95 MB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/3. Data Storage Pattern.mp4
42 MB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/4. Data Presentation Pattern.mp4
36 MB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
19 MB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/5. Summary.mp4
6.4 MB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/2. Data Communication
31 kB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/3. Data Storage
14 kB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/4. Data Presentation
12 kB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/1. Getting Set For The
8.4 kB
Course []/2. Web Application Basics/5.
3.7 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/3. Flask's Approach.mp4
90 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/4. The Basic Flask App.mp4
86 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/10. The Structure Of A Flask Project.mp4
56 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/2. Understanding The MVC Pattern.mp4
47 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/6. Working With Data Storage and ORMs In Flasks.mp4
30 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/7. Working With Views In Flask.mp4
26 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/5. Working With Models In Flask.mp4
24 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/8. Working With Templates In Flask.mp4
16 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/9. Working With URLs In Flask.mp4
15 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
11 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/11. Summary.mp4
5.2 MB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/4. The Basic Flask
23 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/3. Flask's
20 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/2. Understanding The MVC
14 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/10. The Structure Of A Flask
13 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/7. Working With Views In
6.9 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/5. Working With Models In
6.2 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/9. Working With URLs In
5.0 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/6. Working With Data Storage and ORMs In
4.5 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/8. Working With Templates In
4.5 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/1. Getting Set For The
3.4 kB
Course []/3. How Flask Implements Web Applications/11.
1.3 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/6. Creating the Views.mp4
191 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/8. Creating The Templates Part 2.mp4
189 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/7. Creating the Templates.mp4
144 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/2. Setting Up the Notely App Project.mp4
134 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/5. Creating Database Migrations.mp4
113 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/4. Creating the Note Model.mp4
98 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/9. Implementing Validation.mp4
23 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/3. Reviewing the Requirements for Notely App.mp4
17 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/1. Getting Set for The Section.mp4
11 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/10. Summary.mp4
4.5 MB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/6. Creating the
31 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/8. Creating The Templates Part
26 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/2. Setting Up the Notely App
23 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/7. Creating the
18 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/4. Creating the Note
17 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/5. Creating Database
16 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/3. Reviewing the Requirements for Notely
6.2 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/9. Implementing
5.8 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/1. Getting Set for The
3.5 kB
Course []/4. Meet Notely App Our First Fullstack Flask Project/10.
1.4 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/9. Making Sense of The Document Object Model (DOM).mp4
106 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/2. Basic Structure Of HTML Document.mp4
95 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/5. Working With HTML Attributes.mp4
72 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/8. Getting To Know the Document Structure.mp4
55 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/3. Understanding The HTML Elements.mp4
53 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/4. Structure Of an HTML Element.mp4
38 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/10. Summary.mp4
29 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/7. Working With HTML Void Elements.mp4
27 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
19 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/6. Working With HTML Element Content.mp4
16 MB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/9. Making Sense of The Document Object Model (DOM).srt
33 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/2. Basic Structure Of HTML
22 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/5. Working With HTML
20 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/8. Getting To Know the Document
17 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/4. Structure Of an HTML
13 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/3. Understanding The HTML
11 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/7. Working With HTML Void
7.7 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/10.
7.2 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/6. Working With HTML Element
5.7 kB
Course []/5. HTML Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The
4.4 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/7. Understanding Cascading styling.mp4
125 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/2. CSS Basic Concepts.mp4
103 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/8. Working With CSS Units.mp4
84 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/9. Working With Shorthand Properties and Custom Values.mp4
74 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/6. Working With CSS Selectors.mp4
72 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/3. Working With Inline Style.mp4
39 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/5. Working With External Style.mp4
28 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
24 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/10. Summary.mp4
15 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/4. Working With Embedded Style.mp4
14 MB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/7. Understanding Cascading
25 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/2. CSS Basic
23 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/8. Working With CSS
20 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/6. Working With CSS
20 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/9. Working With Shorthand Properties and Custom
18 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/3. Working With Inline
13 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/5. Working With External
9.0 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The
7.6 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/4. Working With Embedded
5.8 kB
Course []/6. CSS Crash Course/10.
4.0 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/6. Working with Flow Controls.mp4
130 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/10. Working with Extend Directive.mp4
108 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/2. Sass Basic Concepts.mp4
96 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/4. Working with Variables.mp4
95 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/5. Working with Operators.mp4
89 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/12. The Body Element Modifier (BEM) Methodology.mp4
69 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/7. Working with Functions.mp4
59 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/8. Working with Partials.mp4
50 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/11. Sass Output Style.mp4
48 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/9. Working with Mixins.mp4
37 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/3. Basic Sass Syntax.mp4
33 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
23 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/13. Summary.mp4
14 MB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/6. Working with Flow
33 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/10. Working with Extend
28 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/4. Working with
24 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/5. Working with
23 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/2. Sass Basic
22 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/12. The Body Element Modifier (BEM)
19 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/8. Working with
15 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/7. Working with
14 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/9. Working with
11 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/11. Sass Output
10 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/3. Basic Sass
7.9 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The
7.1 kB
Course []/7. SASS Crash Course/13.
4.0 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/2. Understanding and Working Statements and Expressions.mp4
109 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/5. Working with Operators.mp4
70 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/9. Understanding and Working with Promises.mp4
57 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/8. Working with Arrays.mp4
57 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/7. Working With Objects.mp4
47 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/10. Understanding and Working with Modules.mp4
46 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/4. Understanding and Working with Data Types.mp4
38 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
34 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/6. Working with Functions.mp4
33 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/3. Understanding and Working Variables.mp4
32 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/11. Summary.mp4
21 MB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/2. Understanding and Working Statements and
29 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/5. Working with
24 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/9. Understanding and Working with
21 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/8. Working with
21 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/7. Working With
17 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/4. Understanding and Working with Data
14 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/10. Understanding and Working with
12 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/3. Understanding and Working
12 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/6. Working with
12 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The
8.6 kB
Course []/8. JavaScript Crash Course/11.
4.9 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/22. Working with Packages.mp4
146 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/16. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part 1.mp4
141 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/24. Coding Style for Python Programs.mp4
139 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/2. Environment Set Up.mp4
138 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/19. Working with Files.mp4
114 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/9. Working with Data Types Dictionary.mp4
102 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/18. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part 3.mp4
92 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/10. Working with Operators.mp4
82 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/12. Counting and Looping.mp4
81 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/5. Working with Data Types String.mp4
78 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/7. Working with Data Types List.mp4
76 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/6. Working with Data Types Boolean Values.mp4
73 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/3. Working with Variables.mp4
73 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/17. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part 2.mp4
70 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/14. Working with Regular Expressions Part 1.mp4
67 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/8. Working with Data Types Tuple.mp4
60 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/4. Working with Data Types Number.mp4
58 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/13. Making Decisions.mp4
58 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/15. Working with Regular Expressions Part 2.mp4
58 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/23. Exception handling in Python.mp4
56 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/20. Working with Input and Output.mp4
50 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/21. Working with Modules.mp4
45 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The Section.mp4
40 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/25. Summary.mp4
34 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/11. Working with Functions.mp4
34 MB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/2. Environment Set
36 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/24. Coding Style for Python
31 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/22. Working with
26 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/19. Working with
24 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/12. Counting and
22 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/16. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part
22 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/10. Working with
21 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/18. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part
20 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/7. Working with Data Types
18 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/3. Working with
18 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/5. Working with Data Types
18 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/9. Working with Data Types
17 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/6. Working with Data Types Boolean
17 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/14. Working with Regular Expressions Part
17 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/13. Making
16 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/23. Exception handling in
15 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/8. Working with Data Types
15 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/17. Object Oriented Programming with Python Part
14 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/4. Working with Data Types
13 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/1. Getting Set For The
13 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/20. Working with Input and
12 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/21. Working with
11 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/11. Working with
11 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/15. Working with Regular Expressions Part
10 kB
Course []/9. Python 3 Crash Course/25.
9.2 kB
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