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Unstoppable Clinching and Takedowns
- Date: 2022-07-02
- Size: 888 MB
- Files: 42
File Name
Takedowns/1 - Breaking posture - Body fold .mp4
44 MB
Clinch/5 - George Foreman Defense.mp4
42 MB
Takedowns/6 - Hooking the leg if the opponent defends the back with a whizzar.mp4
40 MB
Clinch/9 - Judging distance & timing for the clinch .mp4
37 MB
Clinch/6 - George Foreman Defense - Walking Forward with Punches .mp4
37 MB
Clinch/11 - Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Front Kick with hop .mp4
35 MB
Takedowns/22 - Takedown - low single.mp4
34 MB
Clinch/2 - Explanation of Standing in Base.mp4
34 MB
Takedowns/9 - Over unders clinch - Single leg grab and stepping across.mp4
32 MB
Takedowns/18 - Breaking the grip for double unders and finishing with a snap down .mp4
26 MB
Takedowns/17 - over unders clinch - sitting hook sweep.mp4
26 MB
Takedowns/10 - over unders clinch - dropping the opponent when they hook the leg to defend.mp4
25 MB
Clinch/15 - Dealing with Pushing & Pulling from the Clinch.mp4
24 MB
Clinch/8 - Connection Drill for Clinching.mp4
24 MB
Takedowns/5 - Sitting down & tripping from the back..mp4
24 MB
Takedowns/2 - Breaking posture if the opponent turns sideways.mp4
23 MB
Clinch/14 - Clinch Pummeling Drill with Base Check .mp4
21 MB
Takedowns/3 - Taking the back from double unders - body lock .mp4
21 MB
Takedowns/19 - countering the body fold with the leg throw.mp4
21 MB
Takedowns/16 - over unders clinch - leg reap.mp4
20 MB
Takedowns/20 - collar tie - going to two on one & using the sit down leg trip.mp4
20 MB
Clinch/7 - George Foreman Defense Clinching with Double Unders - Body Lock..mp4
19 MB
Clinch/18 - Locking the hands when the opponent defends .mp4
18 MB
Takedowns/13 - over unders clinch - Knee Tap .mp4
17 MB
Takedowns/4 - Pick up and dump from the back .mp4
16 MB
Takedowns/15 - over unders clinch - Dropping opponent down .mp4
15 MB
Takedowns/8 - Ankle trip when the opponent tries to disengage.mp4
15 MB
Takedowns/14 - over unders clinch - leg throw if opponent runs to the back.mp4
14 MB
Clinch/16 - Dealing with Pushing & Pulling from the Clinch.mp4
14 MB
Takedowns/12 - over unders clinch - Setting up the single leg grab.mp4
14 MB
Takedowns/11 - over unders clinch - dropping the opponent if they turn to defend the leg grab.mp4
13 MB
Clinch/1 - Rickson's Philosophy and Strategy.mp4
13 MB
Clinch/12 - Timing Drill for the front kick.mp4
13 MB
Takedowns/23 - Ankle Pick against the wall take down.mp4
13 MB
Takedowns/7 - Sitting leg trip when opponent whizzars.mp4
13 MB
Takedowns/21 - Collar tie - ducking under the elbow to take the back.mp4
13 MB
Clinch/4 - Mirror Drill - Moving in Base.mp4
12 MB
Clinch/3 - Moving in Base.mp4
11 MB
Clinch/10 - Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Front Kick .mp4
11 MB
Clinch/13 - Clinch Pummeling Drill .mp4
10 MB
Clinch/17 - Countering the high shoulder grab.mp4
8.7 MB
Clinch/ Introduction.mp4
5.6 MB