TorBT - Torrents and Magnet Links Search Engine

Developing Android Apps - By Udacity

File Name
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/05 - Recap on Views and ViewGroups.mp4
46 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/19 - Implementing a SyncAdapter.mp4
44 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/40 - Build 2-Pane Tablet UI.mp4
37 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/25 - Create Database with SQLiteOpenHelper.mp4
33 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/03 - App Lifecycle and Services.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/29 - JUnit testing.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/45 - Implement Details Solution.mp4
30 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/40 - Simple CursorAdapter.mp4
28 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/26 - Updating and Deleting Solution.mp4
26 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/60 - Sizing Your Custom Views.mp4
25 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/18 - Coding the Details Screen.mp4
25 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/55 - Implementing Redlines.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/39 - Moving to Multiple Text Views.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/44 - Source Code for ArrayAdapter.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/42 - Handle List Item Click.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/41 - Storytime Android Platform.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/21 - Coding the Content Provider Inserting.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/48 - Storytime Android Consumer Platform.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/36 - Share Intent Solution.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/19 - Create a User Interface.mp4
22 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/69 - Storytime Android Open Source Project.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/35 - Storytime Future of Android.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/02 - Why Content Providers Matter.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/23 - Resource Folder Qualifiers.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/41 - Handle List Item Click.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/41 - Storytime Android Distribution Platform.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/33 - How Fragments Work.mp4
21 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/07 - Building List Item Solution.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/04 - Adding Content Provider to our Contract.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/27 - Adding Images to the App.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/30 - Why Do We Need Fragments.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/28 - Inserts with the ContentProvider.mp4
20 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/15 - Android Software Stack and Gradle.mp4
19 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/33 - Simplify Tests Solution.mp4
19 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/22 - Scheduled Synchronization.mp4
19 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/12 - The Cell Radio.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/02 - Android Design Principles.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/43 - The User Changed their Mind.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/34 - Adapters.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/37 - Using Loaders in our App.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/52 - Storytime Android Hardware.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/16 - Storing Data in Android.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/38 - Intent Filters.mp4
18 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/25 - Notifications.mp4
17 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/09 - Select a Minimum and Target SDK.mp4
17 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/37 - Finding Views findViewById.mp4
17 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/43 - Activated List Item Style.mp4
17 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/54 - Action Bar.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/06 - Building List Item.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/02 - Introducing Your Instructors.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/21 - Responsive Design.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/04 - Active and Visible Lifetimes.mp4
16 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/33 - Update Map Intent - Solution.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/05 - Course Goals and Prerequisites.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/29 - Permissions.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/17 - Introducing SyncAdapters.mp4
15 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/11 - Intents as Envelopes.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/20 - Hierarchy Viewer.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/22 - Menu Buttons.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/63 - Draw Your Own View.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/35 - Initialize the Adapter.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/11 - Create ForecastAdapter.mp4
14 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/02 - Why We Need an Activity Lifecycle.mp4
13 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/29 - ListView Recycling.mp4
13 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/39 - Smallest Width Qualifier.mp4
13 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/29 - Tablet UX Mocks.mp4
13 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/12 - Finish Creating a New Project.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/16 - Implement Location-ID Solution.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/24 - Coding the ContentProvider Testing.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/35 - Share Intent is Awesome.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/18 - Preferences.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/04 - Application Priority.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/17 - Settings UX.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/24 - Google cloud messaging.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/02 - Sunshine in the Background.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/18 - Testing our Join.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/08 - Using Alarms.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/20 - Add the Other Join query Solution.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/16 - Formatting Strings.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/22 - Splitting Devices into Buckets.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/15 - Using the ViewHolder Pattern.mp4
12 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/51 - Today Item on Tablet.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/17 - Add a Join query.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/34 - Loaders are Awesome.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/13 - Two Item View Types.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/29 - Temperature Units Setting Solution.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/24 - Why AbsoluteLayout Is Evil.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/35 - Postal Code Param.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/28 - Adding Images to the App.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/11 - Coding ContentProvider getType.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/03 - The Android Activity Lifecycle.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/09 - Logging on Android.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/12 - Main Thread vs Background Thread.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/17 - Launching on a Device.mp4
11 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/08 - Create a New Android Studio Project.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/13 - Coding the Content Provider query.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/10 - Coding the Content Provider.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/09 - Building Todays List Item.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/12 - getType Solution.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/30 - Debug Breakpoints.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/14 - Launching Sunshine and Creating an AVD.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/06 - Using Services.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/04 - Introducing Project Sunshine.mp4
10 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/15 - Which Thread for AsyncTask.mp4
9.8 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/17 - Coding the Details Screen.mp4
9.8 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/26 - Images for Different Densities.mp4
9.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/42 - Fixing our Call to DetailActivity.mp4
9.6 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/15 - Data Transfer Best Practices.mp4
9.6 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/09 - Using Alarms.mp4
9.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/21 - Better Ways to Sync.mp4
9.5 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/17 - Move to AsyncTask.mp4
9.4 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/49 - Wide Detail Fragment.mp4
9.4 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/01 - Content Providers.mp4
9.2 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/13 - Maintaining State.mp4
9.1 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/16 - Move to AsyncTask.mp4
9.0 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/37 - Broadcast Intents.mp4
9.0 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/26 - Refresh Button Behavior.mp4
9.0 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/07 - Using Services.mp4
9.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/67 - Input Events in Custom Views.mp4
8.9 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/07 - Create WeatherProvider.mp4
8.9 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/10 - Transferring Data Efficiently.mp4
8.8 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/03 - Creating a Content Provider.mp4
8.8 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/06 - ItemClickListener and Toast.mp4
8.8 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/42 - Update the Adapter.mp4
8.5 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/24 - Modify SettingsActivity.mp4
8.5 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/19 - More on Storing Data in Android.mp4
8.5 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/01 - Welcome to Developing Android Apps.mp4
8.5 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/27 - Update Data on Activity Start.mp4
8.4 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/31 - Finishing the FetchWeatherTask.mp4
8.3 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/47 - Storing Images or Binary Data.mp4
8.2 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/28 - SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade method.mp4
8.2 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/09 - How to Prepare for Termination.mp4
8.2 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/02 - Review Data Provided by Open Weather Map.mp4
8.0 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/26 - Notifications.mp4
8.0 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/27 - Efficient UpdatesInserts.mp4
8.0 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/16 - Debugging with a Physical Device.mp4
7.9 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/33 - Add Map Location Intent Solution.mp4
7.9 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/13 - Install HAXM.mp4
7.7 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/19 - Create SettingsActivity.mp4
7.7 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/27 - The Power of Notifications.mp4
7.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/44 - Implement Details.mp4
7.7 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/58 - Coding Task on Accessibility.mp4
7.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/11 - What caused the crash Solution.mp4
7.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/34 - Postal Code Param.mp4
7.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/43 - Update the Adapter.mp4
7.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/65 - Custom View Accessiblity.mp4
7.5 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/14 - Big Cookie Model.mp4
7.5 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/13 - Main Thread vs Background Thread.mp4
7.5 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/19 - Why AsyncTask is Not Optimal.mp4
7.5 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/22 - Our First Table.mp4
7.4 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/31 - InsertReadDbTest Solution.mp4
7.3 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/10 - Network Call.mp4
7.2 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/28 - Temperature Units Setting.mp4
7.2 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/08 - Create New Activity.mp4
7.1 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/14 - Bundles to Save App State.mp4
7.1 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/36 - Identify Desired JSON Attributes.mp4
7.1 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/21 - WeatherContract.mp4
7.1 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/31 - Add ListView to layout.mp4
7.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/19 - Optimizing Layouts.mp4
7.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/10 - CursorAdapter.mp4
6.9 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/45 - Take a Screenshot.mp4
6.8 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/08 - Logcat.mp4
6.7 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/27 - ScrollViews vs ListViews.mp4
6.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/14 - Coding Content Provider query Test.mp4
6.7 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/34 - Intent Resolution.mp4
6.7 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/15 - Display Content in DetailActivity.mp4
6.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/24 - Refresh Button.mp4
6.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/36 - Fragments with No UI.mp4
6.5 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/09 - Write the UriMatcher.mp4
6.4 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/31 - Launching Implicit Intents.mp4
6.3 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/10 - Intents Framework.mp4
6.3 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/04 - Find the Query We Want.mp4
6.3 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/38 - Sunshine Resource Folders.mp4
6.3 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/25 - Responsive Design Thinking.mp4
6.2 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/44 - Activated List Item Style.mp4
6.2 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/33 - Adding Internet Permission.mp4
6.1 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/23 - Refresh Button.mp4
6.1 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/20 - Finish the SyncAdapter.mp4
6.0 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/12 - Activity Lifecycle Recap.mp4
5.9 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/51 - Lesson 4 Recap with Reto and Dan.mp4
5.9 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/36 - Congratulations Android Party.mp4
5.9 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/12 - Create ForecastAdapter.mp4
5.9 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/30 - Inserts with the ContentProvider.mp4
5.9 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/41 - JSON Parsing.mp4
5.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/21 - Finish the SyncAdapter.mp4
5.7 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/01 - Introduction to Lesson 4.mp4
5.7 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/57 - Additional App UI Changes.mp4
5.3 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/40 - JSON Parsing.mp4
5.2 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/09 - Create New Activity.mp4
5.2 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/13 - Launch DetailActivity.mp4
5.2 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/32 - Why We Dont Only Use Fragments.mp4
5.1 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/40 - Lesson One Recap.mp4
5.0 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/46 - Done.mp4
4.9 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/08 - Building Todays List Item.mp4
4.9 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/36 - Disadvantages Solution.mp4
4.9 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/01 - Intro to Lesson 6.mp4
4.8 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/21 - Launch SettingsActivity.mp4
4.8 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/22 - Add ListItem XML.mp4
4.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/16 - Data Transfer Best Practices.mp4
4.6 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/02 - What to do next.mp4
4.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/07 - HTTP Requests.mp4
4.6 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/06 - HTTP Request for Weather Data.mp4
4.5 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/30 - Add ListView to layout.mp4
4.5 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/14 - Which Thread for AsyncTask.mp4
4.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/53 - Visual Mocks.mp4
4.4 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/07 - ItemClickListener and Toast Solution.mp4
4.4 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/29 - Turning Weather Notifications OnOff.mp4
4.4 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/30 - InsertReadDbTest.mp4
4.4 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/11 - Transferring Data Efficiently.mp4
4.4 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/38 - Finding Views findViewById.mp4
4.3 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/11 - What To Do in OnPauseOnStop Solution.mp4
4.3 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/23 - Coding ContentProvider Finish Inserting.mp4
4.3 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/59 - Coding Task on Accessibility.mp4
4.2 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/25 - Use SharedPreferences.mp4
4.1 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/32 - Update Map Intent.mp4
4.1 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/25 - Refresh Button Behavior.mp4
4.0 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/31 - Delete Old Weather Data - Solution.mp4
4.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/46 - Restore Scroll Position on Rotation.mp4
4.0 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/03 - Sunshine App UX Mocks.mp4
4.0 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/33 - BulkInserts with the ContentProvider.mp4
3.9 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/47 - Alternate Detail Layout.mp4
3.8 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/31 - Permissions in the Manifest.mp4
3.8 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/68 - Lesson 5 Recap.mp4
3.8 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/10 - What To Do in OnPauseOnStop.mp4
3.8 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/52 - Today Item on Tablet.mp4
3.7 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/20 - Final Detail Wireframe.mp4
3.7 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/35 - Try the Fragment Manager.mp4
3.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/20 - Why AsyncTask is Not Optimal.mp4
3.6 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/50 - Wide Detail Fragment.mp4
3.6 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/38 - Moving to Multiple Text Views.mp4
3.6 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/23 - Columns.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/24 - Screen Density Size.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/32 - Create Some Fake Data.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/61 - Create Your Own View.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/25 - Screen Density Size.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/38 - Parse Out the Max Temp.mp4
3.5 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/34 - Try the fragment manager.mp4
3.4 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/23 - Introducing Responsive Design.mp4
3.4 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/22 - Launch SettingsActivity.mp4
3.4 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/45 - Restore Scroll Position on Rotation.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/28 - Execute AsyncTask.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/18 - SQLite Databases - Solution.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/35 - Disadvantages Quiz.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/12 - Launch DetailActivity.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/56 - Implementing Redlines on Your Own.mp4
3.3 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/40 - Lesson 3 Recap.mp4
3.2 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/06 - Introducing More Sunshine.mp4
3.2 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/32 - Adding Internet Permission.mp4
3.2 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/18 - Add Refresh Button.mp4
3.1 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/20 - Create SettingsActivity.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/48 - Alternate Detail Layout.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/24 - Columns Solution.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/39 - Intent Filters Solution.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/21 - Add ListItem XML.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/46 - Storing Images or Binary Data.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/16 - It works.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/01 - Introduction to Lesson 3.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/14 - Two Item View Types.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/15 - Good Android Citizen.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/34 - Lesson 6 Recap.mp4
3.0 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/26 - Layout Managers.mp4
2.9 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/07 - Activity Termination.mp4
2.9 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/05 - Lifecycle Events.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/05 - Application Priority.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/28 - Turning Weather Notifications OnOff.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/30 - Delete Old Weather Data.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/01 - Intro to Lesson 5.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/14 - Display Content in DetailActivity.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/18 - Introducing SyncAdapters.mp4
2.8 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/28 - Scroll Views vs ListViews.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/19 - Add the Other Join query Quiz.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/04 - List Item Click Listener.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/32 - Add Map Location Intent.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/41 - Fixing our Call to DetailActivity.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/08 - Activity Termination Solution.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/47 - Lesson 2 Recap.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/06 - Adding LocationEntry Solution.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/07 - Installing Android Studio.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/27 - Execute AsyncTask.mp4
2.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/01 - Introduction.mp4
2.6 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/37 - Sunshine Resource Folders.mp4
2.6 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/25 - Updating and Deleting.mp4
2.5 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/23 - Location Setting XML.mp4
2.5 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/26 - Use SharedPreferences Solution.mp4
2.5 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/18 - Start to Build the App.mp4
2.4 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/32 - BulkInserts with the ContentProvider.mp4
2.4 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/05 - Find the Query We Want.mp4
2.3 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/11 - Select a Target SDK Solution.mp4
2.3 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/22 - Coding ContentProvider Finish Inserting.mp4
2.3 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/03 - Try Out Web Queries.mp4
2.2 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/50 - 3rd Party Content Providers Solution.mp4
2.2 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/23 - Scheduled Synchronization.mp4
2.2 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/26 - LocationEntry.mp4
2.2 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/48 - Making your ContentProvider Accessible.mp4
2.1 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/36 - Initialize the Adapter Solution.mp4
2.1 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/03 - Enjoyable Apps.mp4
2.1 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/39 - Parse Out the Max Temp.mp4
2.1 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/32 - Simplify Tests.mp4
2.0 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/27 - LocationEntry Solution.mp4
2.0 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/15 - Implement Location and Location-ID.mp4
1.8 MB
Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Videos/05 - List Item Click Listener.mp4
1.8 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/10 - Select a Target SDK.mp4
1.7 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/08 - Write the UriMatcher.mp4
1.7 MB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/30 - Permissions in the Manifest.mp4
1.6 MB
Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Videos/13 - The Cell Radio.mp4
1.5 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/49 - 3rd Party Content Providers.mp4
1.5 MB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/06 - Lifecycle Events Solution.mp4
1.4 MB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/33 - Create Some Fake Data.mp4
1.3 MB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/05 - Adding LocationEntry with ID UriBuilder.mp4
1.1 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/04 - Enjoyable Apps.mp4
1.0 MB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/31 - Why We Dont Only Use Fragments.mp4
1.0 MB
Documents/Lesson 5/Sunshine Visual Mocks.pdf
1020 kB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/62 - Create Your Own View.mp4
1011 kB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/39 - Great Work.mp4
852 kB
Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Videos/29 - Inserts with the ContentProvider.mp4
722 kB
Documents/Lesson 5/Sunshine Wireframes.pdf
691 kB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/20 - UI Element Quiz.mp4
676 kB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/64 - Draw Your Own View.mp4
562 kB
Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Videos/37 - Identify Desired JSON Attributes.mp4
499 kB
Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Videos/17 - SQLite Databases.mp4
484 kB
Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Videos/66 - Custom View Accessibility Solution.mp4
354 kB
Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Videos/03 - Are you ready for this course.mp4
221 kB
Documents/Lession 1/AndroidStudioSetupGuide.pdf
75 kB
Documents/Lession 4a/Finished Code for Sunshine.pdf
58 kB
Documents/Lesson 4b/Finished Code for Sunshine.pdf
58 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/05 - Recap on Views and
8.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/19 - Implementing a
8.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/40 - Build 2-Pane Tablet
7.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/03 - App Lifecycle and
6.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/18 - Coding the Details
5.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/25 - Create Database with
5.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/26 - Updating and Deleting
5.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/55 - Implementing
4.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/41 - Handle List Item
4.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/69 - Storytime Android Open Source
4.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/29 - JUnit
4.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/42 - Handle List Item
4.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/48 - Storytime Android Consumer
4.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/35 - Storytime Future of
4.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/16 - Storing Data in
4.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/23 - Resource Folder
4.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/21 - Coding the Content Provider
4.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/02 - Why Content Providers
4.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/07 - Building List Item
4.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/30 - Why Do We Need
3.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/41 - Storytime Android Distribution
3.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/39 - Moving to Multiple Text
3.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/27 - Adding Images to the
3.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/41 - Storytime Android
3.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/22 - Scheduled
3.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/04 - Adding Content Provider to our
3.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/02 - Android Design
3.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/43 - Activated List Item
3.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/43 - The User Changed their
3.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/21 - Responsive
3.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/52 - Storytime Android
3.4 kB
Contents - Developing Android Apps.txt
3.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/37 - Using Loaders in our
3.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/06 - Building List
3.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/15 - Android Software Stack and
3.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/25 -
3.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/33 - Simplify Tests
3.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/54 - Action
3.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/12 - Finish Creating a New
3.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/20 - Hierarchy
3.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/33 - Update Map Intent -
2.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/29 -
2.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/11 - Create
2.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/13 - Main Thread vs Background
2.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/29 - Tablet UX
2.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/22 - Menu
2.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/39 - Smallest Width
2.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/14 - Launching Sunshine and Creating an
2.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/15 - Using the ViewHolder
2.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/24 - Google cloud
2.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/04 - Application
2.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/22 - Splitting Devices into
2.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/13 - Two Item View
2.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/17 - Settings
2.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/02 - Sunshine in the
2.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/29 - Temperature Units Setting
2.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/11 - Coding ContentProvider
2.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/18 -
2.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/05 - Course Goals and
2.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/15 - Data Transfer Best
2.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/08 - Using
2.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/12 - Main Thread vs Background
2.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/51 - Today Item on
2.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/26 - Images for Different
2.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/09 - Logging on
1.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/42 - Update the
1.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/49 - Wide Detail
1.9 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/35 - Postal Code
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/38 - Sunshine Resource
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/27 - The Power of
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/67 - Input Events in Custom
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/26 - Refresh Button
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/12 - getType
1.8 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/17 - Launching on a
1.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/10 - Coding the Content
1.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/27 - Efficient
1.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/58 - Coding Task on
1.7 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/16 - Move to
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/07 - Using
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/10 - Transferring Data
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/01 - Content
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/03 - Creating a Content
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/24 - Modify
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/13 - Coding the Content Provider
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/30 - Debug
1.6 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/06 - Using
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/10 -
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/09 - How to Prepare for
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/14 - Big Cookie
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/19 - More on Storing Data in
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/37 - Broadcast
1.5 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/13 - Install
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/34 - Postal Code
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/48 - Making your ContentProvider
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/07 - Create
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/19 - Create
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/02 - Review Data Provided by Open Weather
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/07 - Installing Android
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/26 - Layout
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/19 - Why AsyncTask is Not
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/36 - Fragments with No
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/24 - Refresh
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/43 - Update the
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/06 - ItemClickListener and
1.4 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/23 - Refresh
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/30 - Add ListView to
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/45 - Take a
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/08 - Create New
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/31 - InsertReadDbTest
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/10 - Network
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/38 - Parse Out the Max
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/08 -
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/27 - ScrollViews vs
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/31 - Finishing the
1.3 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/34 - Intent
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/44 - Implement
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/44 - Activated List Item
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/22 - Our First
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/28 - SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/33 - Add Map Location Intent
1.2 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/04 - Find the Query We
1.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/51 - Lesson 4 Recap with Reto and
1.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/10 - Intents
1.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/57 - Additional App UI
1.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/33 - Adding Internet
1.1 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/12 - Create
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/01 - Intro to Lesson
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/21 - Finish the
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/32 - Why We Dont Only Use
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/16 - Data Transfer Best
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/40 - JSON
1.0 kB
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/53 - Visual
1009 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/11 - Transferring Data
999 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/46 -
998 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/25 - Responsive Design
969 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/30 - Inserts with the
953 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/06 - HTTP Request for Weather
950 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/41 - JSON
949 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/13 - Launch
931 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/36 - Congratulations Android
923 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/09 - Write the
921 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/08 - Building Todays List
894 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/21 - Launch
878 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/14 - Which Thread for
866 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/46 - Restore Scroll Position on
855 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/25 - Use
828 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/45 - Restore Scroll Position on
823 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/28 - Execute
822 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/47 - Alternate Detail
822 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/23 - Coding ContentProvider Finish
812 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/29 - Turning Weather Notifications
811 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/59 - Coding Task on
806 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/36 - Disadvantages
791 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/25 - Refresh Button
789 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/68 - Lesson 5
789 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/52 - Today Item on
787 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/35 - Try the Fragment
778 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/20 - UI Element
776 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/20 - Why AsyncTask is Not
767 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/07 - ItemClickListener and Toast
733 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/38 - Moving to Multiple Text
725 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/33 - BulkInserts with the
706 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/30 -
705 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/03 - Sunshine App UX
692 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/39 - Intent Filters
680 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/50 - Wide Detail
679 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/09 - Create New
668 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/56 - Implementing Redlines on Your
665 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/40 - Lesson 3
660 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/32 - Update Map
646 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/48 - Alternate Detail
645 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/47 - Lesson 2
633 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/18 - Add Refresh
631 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/24 - Screen Density
630 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/01 - Intro to Lesson
629 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/34 - Lesson 6
623 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/01 - Introduction to Lesson
620 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/05 - Application
616 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/32 - Adding Internet
611 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/23 - Introducing Responsive
600 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/28 - Scroll Views vs
586 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/14 - Two Item View
584 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/37 - Sunshine Resource
582 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/38 - Finding Views
575 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/20 - Final Detail
567 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/20 - Create
560 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/25 - Screen Density
549 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/12 - Launch
544 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/18 - Introducing
533 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/15 - Good Android
524 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/18 - SQLite Databases -
513 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/03 - Enjoyable
489 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/32 - BulkInserts with the
479 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/24 - Columns
472 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/08 - Activity Termination
455 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/32 - Add Map Location
445 B
Subtitles/Lesson 6- Services and Notifications Subtitles/23 - Scheduled
442 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/26 - Use SharedPreferences
423 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/27 - LocationEntry
412 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/36 - Initialize the Adapter
396 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/03 - Try Out Web
377 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/50 - 3rd Party Content Providers
372 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/25 - Updating and
365 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/05 - Find the Query We
355 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/06 - Adding LocationEntry
350 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/27 - Execute
349 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/29 - Inserts with the
342 B
Subtitles/Lesson 3- New Activities and Intents Subtitles/05 - List Item Click
321 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/26 -
318 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/17 - SQLite
314 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/49 - 3rd Party Content
312 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/32 - Simplify
294 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/10 - Select a Target
289 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4b- Content Providers and Loaders Subtitles/08 - Write the
289 B
Subtitles/Lesson 2- Connect Sunshine to the Cloud Subtitles/30 - Permissions in the
287 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/33 - Create Some Fake
270 B
Subtitles/Lesson 5- Rich and Responsive Layouts Subtitles/31 - Why We Dont Only Use
191 B
Subtitles/Lesson 4a- Lifecycle and Databases Subtitles/06 - Lifecycle Events
171 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/39 - Great
148 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/03 - Are you ready for this
40 B
Subtitles/Lesson 1- Create Project Sunshine Subtitles/01 - Welcome to Developing Android
35 B