TorBT - Torrents and Magnet Links Search Engine

Udemy - OS 12 & Swift 5 - App Design, UIUX plus Development

File Name
29. Views and Layout/9. TableView.mp4
366 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/2. Updating the Feed Delegate.mp4
338 MB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/2. Follow Model.mp4
321 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/2. SOLID Principles Part 1.mp4
320 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/8. Properties.mp4
314 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/10. The Profile Screen Wireframe.mp4
313 MB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/1.
312 MB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/1. Pagination.mp4
312 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/5. Observing New Comments.mp4
305 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/6. Travel App Part 2.mp4
295 MB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/5. SDWebImage.mp4
291 MB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/1. UIImagePicker (Photo Library and Camera).mp4
291 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/4. Authentication Sign Up.mp4
286 MB
12. Prototyping/1. Prototype Setup.mp4
286 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/9. Completing the FeedTableViewCell XIB.mp4
285 MB
30. To Do List App/1. Introduction.mp4
277 MB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/1. Snapsie Photo Camera with UIImagePickerController.mp4
273 MB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/4. Updating HomeViewController.mp4
273 MB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/3. Snapsie Plus Creating the Capture Session.mp4
264 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/5. User Model.mp4
263 MB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/4. Displaying Posts.mp4
263 MB
9. Mockups/3. Home Screen Mockup Part 2.mp4
262 MB
12. Prototyping/3. How to Transition.mp4
262 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/19. Programmatic Autolayout Basics.mp4
261 MB
67. Advanced Animation/4. Fluid Spring Animations Part 2 Practical Application.mp4
261 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/6. Prototyping.mp4
258 MB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/5. Importing our App Logo into Xcode.mp4
253 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/1. Comments Model.mp4
253 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/4. Hashable Protocol.mp4
250 MB
9. Mockups/2. Home Screen Mockup Part 1.mp4
250 MB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/3. Memory Management Weak and Unowned References.mp4
248 MB
1. Course Roadmap/1. [OPTIONAL] Course Roadmap.mp4
247 MB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/2. Deleting Posts Part 1.mp4
245 MB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/2. Creating a Post Part 2.mp4
245 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/8. Creating our Controller.mp4
245 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/17. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part 4.mp4
243 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/17. Arrays.mp4
243 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/3. SOLID Principles Part 2.mp4
238 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/15. [OPTIONAL] Protocol Oriented Programming.mp4
238 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/6. Pushing and Pulling from Github.mp4
237 MB
12. Prototyping/3. How to
237 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/13. Enumerations and Switch Part 1.mp4
236 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/6. Photo Album Transition Part 1 Setup.mp4
235 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/2. Custom Modal Transitions.mp4
234 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/7. Creating a Profile Icon.mp4
233 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/6. Generics Part 2.mp4
232 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/15. Custom Collection Layout Part 2.mp4
231 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/33. ActivityViewController Part 2.mp4
230 MB
67. Advanced Animation/2. Path Animation.mp4
229 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/11. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 2 Swipe Right.mp4
227 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/7. Photo Album Transition Part 2 Present Animation.mp4
226 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/6. Optionals - Unwrapping.mp4
225 MB
39. Functional Programming/8. Functional Programming In Practice.mp4
223 MB
57. Beginner Animation/9. Animated Login App Part 1.mp4
223 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/19. Tab Bar Delegate.mp4
222 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/9. Access Control.mp4
222 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/20. Control Flow - Loops Part 1.mp4
221 MB
67. Advanced Animation/1. Custom Timing Functions.mp4
220 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/4. Circular Modal Transition Part 2.mp4
220 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/6. User Location Detection with Core Location Part
219 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/6. User Location Detection with Core Location Part 1.mp4
219 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/16. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part 3.mp4
219 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/4. App Logic.mp4
219 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/11. #1 Parsing JSON The Manual Way.mp4
218 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/10. Autolayout Practice Simple Billing Form.mp4
217 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/13. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 4 Swipe Left and Pivot.mp4
217 MB
29. Views and Layout/4. PayPal App Part 3 Activity View.mp4
215 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/20. View Transitions.mp4
214 MB
29. Views and Layout/12. CollectionView Basics.mp4
214 MB
39. Functional Programming/7. Higher Order Functions.mp4
213 MB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/2. User Flows with Sketch.mp4
213 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/2. CAShapeLayer Properties.mp4
212 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/5. Git Command Line Basics and Gitignore.mp4
212 MB
30. To Do List App/5. Passing Data with Segues.mp4
211 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/2. Search Part 1.mp4
211 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/1. Authentication Login Part 1.mp4
210 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/3. Updating the CommentTableViewCell.mp4
210 MB
30. To Do List App/19. TextView Visibility.mp4
210 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/14. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part 1 Setup.mp4
209 MB
30. To Do List App/20. Data Validation.mp4
209 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/14. Custom Collection Layout Part 1.mp4
207 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/15. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part 2.mp4
207 MB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/3. Upload to Google Cloud Storage Part 1.mp4
206 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/3. Circular Modal Transition Part 1.mp4
206 MB
9. Mockups/4. Friends Screen Mockup.mp4
206 MB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/5. Snapsie Plus Capture Delegate and Image Preview.mp4
206 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/3. CABasicAnimation Part 2 KVO, FillMode and Model & Presentation Layer Sync.mp4
206 MB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/1. Likes Model.mp4
205 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/5. Updating Data.mp4
205 MB
44. Instagram Clone Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
204 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/5. Travel App Part 1.mp4
203 MB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/2. Liking and Unliking Posts Part 1.mp4
202 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/19. Custom Tab Bar Transition Part 2.mp4
202 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/11. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Composition.mp4
202 MB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/2. Grand Central Dispatch Part 2 Custom Global Concurrent Queues.mp4
202 MB
3. Sketch Basics/2. Understanding the Sketch Interface Part 1.mp4
200 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/10. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Abstraction, Inheritance & Encapsulation.mp4
200 MB
30. To Do List App/6. Passing Data with Delegates.mp4
200 MB
39. Functional Programming/3. Closures as First Class Citizens.mp4
199 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/9. Pan Gesture Recognizers.mp4
199 MB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/3. Vector Tool Practice.mp4
199 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/11. Bar Graph Part 2 The Labels.mp4
199 MB
30. To Do List App/22. Passing Data with Notifications Part 1 Objects.mp4
199 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/5. Custom Navigation Transition.mp4
198 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/6. Standalone and Backing Layers.mp4
198 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/7. The Labels.mp4
197 MB
39. Functional Programming/5. Escaping Closures.mp4
197 MB
38. Error Handling/2. Practical Error Handling.mp4
196 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/22. Control Flow - Early Exit and Control Transfer.mp4
196 MB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/1. Following, Follower and Post Count.mp4
195 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/18. New Post Storyboard Setup.mp4
194 MB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/1. Introduction to Machine Learning and Basic Intuition.mp4
194 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/3. Structures.mp4
193 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/3. Building our Weather App User Interface.mp4
193 MB
57. Beginner Animation/4. UIView Animations Part 2 Chaining Animations.mp4
191 MB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/2. Capture Session.mp4
189 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/3. High Fidelity Wireframing.mp4
189 MB
30. To Do List App/15. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part 1.mp4
189 MB
67. Advanced Animation/3. Fluid Spring Animations Part 1 The Underlying Theory.mp4
188 MB
9. Mockups/5. Profile Screen Mockup.mp4
188 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/4. Twitter Style Splash Screen Part 2 Animated Launch.mp4
188 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/8. Creating a Friends Icon.mp4
188 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/2. Story Post Atomic UI - Part 1.mp4
186 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/1. Low Fidelity Wireframing.mp4
186 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/4. Creating a Comment.mp4
186 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/8. Transformations Modifying the Current Transform Matrix.mp4
186 MB
57. Beginner Animation/6. Property Animations Part 1 Theory and Basics.mp4
185 MB
39. Functional Programming/4. Closure Expressions.mp4
185 MB
67. Advanced Animation/5. CADisplayLink.mp4
185 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/5. Setting Up the API Client.mp4
185 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/2. Equatable Protocol Part 2.mp4
184 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/2. CABasicAnimation Part 1 Basics, Model & Presentation States, and Delegate.mp4
184 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/12. String Interpolation.mp4
184 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/2. Strokes, Fills and Paths Part 1.mp4
183 MB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/2. Image Analysis Request.mp4
183 MB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/1. User Interface.mp4
182 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/14. Protocols.mp4
182 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/4. The Anchor Point.mp4
182 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/19. Dictionaries.mp4
182 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/13. #3 Parsing JSON Using Codable Protocol Part 1.mp4
181 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/2. The Figma Interface.mp4
180 MB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/1. Grand Central Dispatch Part 1 Serial and Global Queues.mp4
179 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/13. Creating the Search.mp4
179 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/28. Custom Segmented Control Part 1.mp4
178 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/4. Classes Reference Semantics.mp4
178 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/6. The Friends Screen
178 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/6. The Friends Screen Wireframe.mp4
178 MB
24. Haunted House Story App/3. Building our App.mp4
177 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/4. Instagram Style Animated Gradient App.mp4
176 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/2. Types and Variables - Mutability Part 1.mp4
176 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/4. The Home Screen Wireframe.mp4
176 MB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/2. Snapsie Plus User Interface.mp4
175 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/5. Edge and Center Alignment Constraints.mp4
174 MB
57. Beginner Animation/5. UIView Animations Part 3 Timing Functions and Springs.mp4
174 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/3. The Basics of Storyboard Constraints.mp4
173 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/13. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Polymorphism and Final Thoughts.mp4
173 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/5. Classes Subclassing.mp4
173 MB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/2. Installation of Firebase.mp4
172 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/6. Intrinsic Content Size and Baseline.mp4
172 MB
57. Beginner Animation/8. Property Animations Part 3 Reverse, Scrub, Interrupt and Dynamic Addition.mp4
172 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/25. Photo Album.mp4
171 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/2. CALayer Properties Part 2.mp4
170 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/7. The Profile Screen Wireframe.mp4
170 MB
57. Beginner Animation/12. Constraint Animations Part 2 OpenClose Menu.mp4
170 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/9. Friends Post Atomic UI.mp4
170 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/32. ActivityViewController Part 1.mp4
170 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/1. CALayer Properties Part 1.mp4
170 MB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/1. Creating a Post Part 1.mp4
170 MB
39. Functional Programming/2. Functions as First Class Citizens.mp4
169 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/21. PageViewController Part 1.mp4
169 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/6. Refactoring the ProfileViewController Part 2.mp4
169 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/5. Refactoring the ProfileViewController Part
168 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/5. Refactoring the ProfileViewController Part 1.mp4
168 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/3. Search Part 2.mp4
168 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/3. Strokes, Fills and Paths Part 2.mp4
168 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/6. Firebase Data Event Types.mp4
168 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/29. Custom Segmented Control Part 2.mp4
167 MB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/4. Memory Management Capture Lists.mp4
167 MB
57. Beginner Animation/3. UIView Animations Part 1 The Basics.mp4
167 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/15. Functions - Fundamentals Part 1.mp4
166 MB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/4. Recording Delegate.mp4
165 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/6. HomeViewController Setup.mp4
164 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/18. Functions - Naming.mp4
164 MB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/1. Introducing the Vector Tool.mp4
163 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/9. Creating Requests with URLSession Part 2.mp4
163 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/4. Setting Up Alamofire and SwiftyJSON.mp4
163 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/20. NewPostViewController.mp4
163 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/3. Creating the Gauge Layout.mp4
162 MB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/3. Liking and Unliking Posts Part 2.mp4
162 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/14. Enumerations and Switch Part 2.mp4
160 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/2. Named Types.mp4
160 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/1. Atomic Design and Colour Palette.mp4
160 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/23. PageViewController Part 3.mp4
159 MB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/2. UIProgressView.mp4
158 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/6. Ring Graph Part 2 The Progress Layer.mp4
158 MB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/3. Toggle Following.mp4
158 MB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/5. User Post Details.mp4
158 MB
30. To Do List App/23. Passing Data with Notifications Part 2 UserInfo.mp4
157 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/18. Custom Tab Bar Transition Part 1.mp4
157 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/2. User Interface Setup Part 1.mp4
157 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/5. Tab Bar Part 3.mp4
157 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/5. Making Icons Pixel Perfect.mp4
156 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/7. Observer Design Pattern.mp4
156 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/11. Completing the HomeViewController.mp4
155 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/5. CAKeyFrameAnimation and Shaking Login Animation.mp4
154 MB
25. Beginner Swift 5 Practice and Coding Challenge/1. Introduction + Code Problem Solving Tips.mp4
154 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/21. Programmatic Autolayout Size Classes.mp4
153 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/10. Logical Operators.mp4
153 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/4. Tab Bar Part 2.mp4
152 MB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/3. Detecting Objects.mp4
152 MB
59. Microinteractions/3. Tab Bar Microinteraction Final.mp4
152 MB
30. To Do List App/10. Dismissing ViewControllers.mp4
152 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/12. Bar Graph Part 3 The Bars.mp4
152 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/7. The Home Screen Wireframe.mp4
151 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/6. Ball Angle.mp4
151 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/8. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 4 Wrapping It All Up.mp4
150 MB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/2. Xcode Tour.mp4
150 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/4. CAShapeLayer Transformations.mp4
148 MB
30. To Do List App/4. Push Segue.mp4
148 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/21. Control Flow - Loops Part 2.mp4
148 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/5. Delegate Design Pattern.mp4
148 MB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/4. Upload to Google Cloud Storage Part 2.mp4
148 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/4. Singleton Design Pattern.mp4
147 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/5. Creating the User Interface.mp4
147 MB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/6. Observing New Posts.mp4
144 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/8. Creating Requests with URLSession Part 1.mp4
144 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/7. Stories Setup.mp4
144 MB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/3. Helper + Extension.mp4
144 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/3. Creating the Heart Icon.mp4
144 MB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/4. Snapsie Plus Preview Layer.mp4
143 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/2. Creating a Realm Model.mp4
142 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/1. Creating a Settings Icon.mp4
142 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/7. Arithmetic Operators and Order of Evaluation.mp4
142 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/8. Comparison Operators Part 1.mp4
142 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/5. Generics Part 1.mp4
141 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/16. Custom CollectionLayout Part 3.mp4
140 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/1. Updating SearchViewController.mp4
140 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/3. Branching.mp4
140 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/6. Story Post Atomic UI - Part 3.mp4
140 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/10. Creating Requests with Alamofire.mp4
139 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/7. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 3 The Mask.mp4
139 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/31. ActivityView XIB.mp4
138 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/16. Functions - Fundamentals Part 2.mp4
138 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/2. Authentication Login Part 2.mp4
138 MB
57. Beginner Animation/7. Property Animations Part 2 Animation State.mp4
138 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/8. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 1 The Ants.mp4
137 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/4. Making Arcs.mp4
137 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/7. CATransaction Part 1 Batching and Overriding Duration & Timing Functions.mp4
137 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/3. Comparable Protocol.mp4
135 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/3. Creating our Model Part 1.mp4
134 MB
3. Sketch Basics/5. Understanding the Sketch Interface Part 2.mp4
134 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/24. Simple Camera.mp4
133 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/7. User Location Detection with Core Location Part 2.mp4
132 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/11. Other Operators.mp4
132 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/1. Introduction.mp4
131 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/7. Selecting Comments and Search Results.mp4
131 MB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/4. Creating a Weather App Logo.mp4
130 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/8. CATransaction Part 2 Disabling Animation and Completion Callback.mp4
130 MB
30. To Do List App/11. Creating a Toolbar.mp4
130 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/1. Gradients.mp4
130 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/6. Classes Type Casting.mp4
129 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/6. View Controller Life Cycle Part 1.mp4
129 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/5. The Arc.mp4
129 MB
29. Views and Layout/7. PayPal App Part 6 Connecting UI to Code.mp4
129 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/6. Rulers and Grids.mp4
127 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/6. Training.mp4
127 MB
30. To Do List App/21. Reporting Errors with UIAlertController.mp4
127 MB
57. Beginner Animation/11. Constraint Animations Part 1 Interface Setup.mp4
127 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/5. Creating the GPS Icon.mp4
127 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/7. Ball Centre.mp4
126 MB
9. Mockups/1. Mockup Design Strategy.mp4
125 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/3. Adding Data.mp4
125 MB
30. To Do List App/9. TableView Editing Mode.mp4
124 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/10. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 1 Basic Setup.mp4
123 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/6. Clipping and Preserving State.mp4
122 MB
57. Beginner Animation/10. Animated Login App Part 2.mp4
122 MB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/5. Playing Video.mp4
120 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/2. Creating a Home Icon.mp4
120 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/2. Our First Commit.mp4
118 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/5. Ring Graph Part 1 The Backdrop.mp4
118 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/3. User Interface Setup Part 2.mp4
118 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/6. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 2 Shimmering.mp4
117 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/4. Choosing a Color Scheme Part 1.mp4
116 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/3. Boolean Operations.mp4
115 MB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/3. Deleting Posts Part 2.mp4
115 MB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/2. Vector Points.mp4
115 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/5. Gradients.mp4
114 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/34. ActivityViewController Test.mp4
113 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/30. ActivityTableViewCell XIB.mp4
112 MB
29. Views and Layout/10. TableView with XIBS.mp4
111 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/6. The Markers.mp4
111 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/8. Photo Album Transition Part 3 Dismiss Animation.mp4
111 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/17. Completing the SearchViewController.mp4
111 MB
12. Prototyping/2. How to Scroll.mp4
111 MB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/1. Equatable Protocol Part 1.mp4
111 MB
29. Views and Layout/13. CollectionView Insets and Spacing.mp4
110 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/1. Creating Shapes.mp4
110 MB
39. Functional Programming/6. Type Alias.mp4
109 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/3. Flattening
109 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/3. Flattening Icons.mp4
109 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/15. iPhone and iPad Autolayout.mp4
109 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/8. StoriesTableViewCell.mp4
109 MB
30. To Do List App/13. Observing Keyboard Events.mp4
109 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/8. Testing and Evaluation.mp4
109 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/4. Horizontal and Vertical Container Alignment Constraints.mp4
108 MB
53. Instagram Clone Search/4. Search Part 3.mp4
108 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/10. FeedTableViewCell and StoryTableViewCell Code.mp4
108 MB
3. Sketch Basics/3. Boolean Operations.mp4
107 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/5. Choosing a Color Scheme Part 2.mp4
106 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/22. PageViewController Part 2.mp4
106 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/11. Pixel Perfection.mp4
105 MB
38. Error Handling/1. Do...Catch, Try and Throws.mp4
105 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/2. Storyboards and ViewControllers.mp4
105 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/2. Creating the Gauge Layer.mp4
104 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/3. Tab Bar Part 1.mp4
103 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/3. Types and Variables - Mutability Part 2.mp4
102 MB
30. To Do List App/12. TouchView Part 1.mp4
102 MB
29. Views and Layout/5. PayPal App Part 4 Security View.mp4
100 MB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/1. Introduction to Vector Networks.mp4
100 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/7. View Controller Life Cycle Part 2.mp4
100 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/2. Planning the Wireframe.mp4
100 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/5. Finding and Curating a Dataset.mp4
99 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/14. #3 Parsing JSON Using Codable Protocol Part 2.mp4
99 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/9. Factory Design Pattern.mp4
98 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/14. Portrait and Landscape Orientation Autolayout.mp4
98 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/2. Constraints.mp4
98 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/2. The Case for Autolayout.mp4
98 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/7. Structures vs Classes.mp4
97 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/6. Extension Design Pattern.mp4
97 MB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/4. Reading, Updating and Deleting Data.mp4
96 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/3. CAShapeLayer Masks.mp4
96 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/4. Travel App Intro.mp4
94 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/2. What is MVC.mp4
94 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/10. Layout and Grids.mp4
93 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/4. Reading and Deleting Data.mp4
93 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/12. Landscape Orientation Problems.mp4
93 MB
29. Views and Layout/8. XIBS.mp4
93 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/9. Components.mp4
93 MB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/3. Authentication Sign Out.mp4
92 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/9. Creating a Refresh Icon.mp4
92 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/12. ExploreCollectionViewCell.mp4
91 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/2. Getting Started with Custom Controls.mp4
91 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/8. Rotation.mp4
90 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/3. Gradients with CAGradientLayer.mp4
90 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/4. Mockups.mp4
90 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/20. Programmatic Autolayout Priorities.mp4
90 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/5. Settings Icon Style #1.mp4
90 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/9. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 2 The Marching Animation.mp4
90 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/5. Optionals - Valueless State.mp4
89 MB
30. To Do List App/7. Navigation Items.mp4
88 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/5. Shadows.mp4
88 MB
29. Views and Layout/3. PayPal App Part 2 Balance View.mp4
88 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/4. Creating our Model Part 2.mp4
88 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/11. Artboards.mp4
87 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/4. Story Post Atomic UI - Part 2.mp4
86 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/12. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 3 New Card.mp4
86 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/2. Design Methods.mp4
85 MB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/3. Refactoring the Post Model.mp4
85 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/4. Types and Variables - Naming Conventions.mp4
84 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/12. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Testing Our Code So Far.mp4
84 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/12. #2 Parsing JSON Using SwiftyJSON.mp4
82 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/10. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 3 Pulsating Label.mp4
82 MB
30. To Do List App/8. Present Modally Segue.mp4
81 MB
12. Prototyping/4. Prototyping Limitations.mp4
81 MB
29. Views and Layout/14. CollectionView with XIBS.mp4
81 MB
30. To Do List App/3. ToDoList TableView.mp4
81 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/11. Aspect Ratio Constraints.mp4
80 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/9. Strokes and Joins.mp4
80 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/8. Temperature Feedback.mp4
80 MB
30. To Do List App/14. TouchView Part 2.mp4
79 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/2. Bitmap Editing.mp4
78 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/5. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 1 Basic Setup.mp4
78 MB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/1. Introduction to User Flows.mp4
78 MB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/8. The Friends Screen Wireframe.mp4
78 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/26. New Post Test.mp4
77 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/1. Intro to Realm.mp4
77 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/9. Transformations Affine Transforms.mp4
77 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/9. Grouping Animations with CAAnimationGroup.mp4
77 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/18. Autolayout as Equations.mp4
77 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/6. Organisation.mp4
77 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/9. Multiplier.mp4
75 MB
29. Views and Layout/2. PayPal App Part 1 Basic Setup.mp4
75 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/7. Improving Training and Validation Accuracy.mp4
73 MB
29. Views and Layout/6. PayPal App Part 5 Send and Receive Money.mp4
73 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/10. Bar Graph Part 1 The Data.mp4
73 MB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/3. Hello World.mp4
72 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/6. Settings Icon Style
72 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/6. Settings Icon Style #2.mp4
71 MB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/1. Introduction to Core Data and Setup.mp4
71 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/3. Planning the
71 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/3. Planning the Screens.mp4
71 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/1. Introduction to Figma.mp4
70 MB
30. To Do List App/18. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part 3.mp4
70 MB
3. Sketch Basics/1. Why Sketch.mp4
70 MB
30. To Do List App/16. TextField and TextView Delegate.mp4
69 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/4. Blurs.mp4
69 MB
29. Views and Layout/15. Customising the Status Bar.mp4
68 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/10. Symbols.mp4
67 MB
29. Views and Layout/1. Scroll View.mp4
66 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/1. Intro to Git and Setup.mp4
66 MB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/1. Introduction.mp4
66 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/13. Adaptive Layout and Size Classes.mp4
66 MB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/3. Adding Data.mp4
66 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/7. Shadows.mp4
65 MB
39. Functional Programming/1. Introduction.mp4
64 MB
24. Haunted House Story App/2. Starter Project Walkthrough.mp4
64 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/3. The Ball
63 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/3. The Ball Indicator.mp4
63 MB
30. To Do List App/17. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part 2.mp4
62 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/4. Introducing CreateML.mp4
62 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/1. Introduction.mp4
62 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/7. Content Hugging Priority.mp4
61 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/8. Typography.mp4
61 MB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/7. Ring Graph Part 3 The Gradient Stroke.mp4
61 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/5. Begin and Continue Tracking.mp4
60 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/8. Cloud Icon.mp4
60 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/8. [OPTIONAL] Fixing the San Fransisco Font Problem.mp4
60 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/1.
59 MB
2. --PART 1 App Design and UIUX--/2. Design Inspiration.mp4
59 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/1. Introduction.mp4
59 MB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/3. User Flow Atomic Elements.mp4
58 MB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/1. Downloading Xcode.mp4
58 MB
59. Microinteractions/2. Tab Bar Microinteraction Starter.mp4
58 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/1. UX Principles of Custom Transitions and Interactive Design.mp4
57 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/1. Understanding Context and
57 MB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/1. Understanding Context and State.mp4
57 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/2. Convolutional Neural Networks.mp4
55 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/4. UIControl Tracking Methods.mp4
54 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/8. Content Compression Resistance Priority.mp4
54 MB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/5. Using the iOS GUI Kit with Mockups.mp4
53 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/3. Iteration and the App Design Process.mp4
52 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/1. How Web APIs Work.mp4
52 MB
35. Git and Github Version Control/4. Time Travel.mp4
52 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/1. Introduction to Custom Controls.mp4
51 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/7. Arc Tool.mp4
51 MB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/2. A GET Request Example using POSTMAN.mp4
51 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/1. Starter Project Overview.mp4
51 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/7. Getting the iOS GUI Kit.mp4
51 MB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/3. Preview Layer.mp4
50 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/1. Introduction.mp4
48 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/2. Human Interface Guidelines on App Launch.mp4
48 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/4. Creating an Add Icon.mp4
46 MB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/3. Masks.mp4
46 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/17. Why Support iPhone 4S.mp4
46 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/1. UIView Fundamentals.mp4
45 MB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/1. Introduction to UX Research and Usability Testing.mp4
45 MB
30. To Do List App/2. ToDoItem Model.mp4
45 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/10.
44 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/27. Activity Interface Setup.mp4
44 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/5. Symbolising the Tab Bar.mp4
43 MB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/2. Creating a Core Data Entity.mp4
43 MB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/8. Adapter Design Pattern.mp4
43 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/2. The 4 Key Elements of User Experience.mp4
43 MB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/2. UX Research Methods.mp4
43 MB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/16. Safe Areas.mp4
42 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/3. Transfer Learning.mp4
39 MB
14. User Journey Mapping/4. Practical User Journey Maps.mp4
39 MB
58. Motion Design/3. Continuity.mp4
38 MB
29. Views and Layout/11. Intro to CollectionViews.mp4
38 MB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/1.1 ToDoList Realm
38 MB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/3. End Caps.mp4
37 MB
23. Beginner Swift 5/9. Comparison Operators Part 2.mp4
37 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/3. iOS Design Themes and Principles.mp4
35 MB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/1. Starter Project Overview.mp4
35 MB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/5. Testing our Core Data Changes.mp4
34 MB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/4. Heatmap Testing.mp4
34 MB
59. Microinteractions/1. Microinteractions Theory.mp4
34 MB
58. Motion Design/5. Speed.mp4
33 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/5. 5 Essential UX Design Patterns.mp4
33 MB
3. Sketch Basics/4. Getting Apple Design Resources.mp4
33 MB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/11.
33 MB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/1. Introduction.mp4
32 MB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/9. Test Run.mp4
32 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/1. Introduction.mp4
32 MB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/1. Introduction.mp4
32 MB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/5. Guerrilla Testing.mp4
30 MB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/1.1 Instagram Clone
29 MB
5. Foundational Design Principles/1. UI vs UX Design What is the Difference.mp4
29 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/1.1 InstagramApp
29 MB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/1.2 InstagramApp
29 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/3. Twitter Style Splash Screen Part 1 Basic Setup.mp4
29 MB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/4. Flattening.mp4
27 MB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/1. UX Principles and Goals of App Launch.mp4
27 MB
24. Haunted House Story App/1. Introduction.mp4
25 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/1. A Practical Understanding of User Experience.mp4
23 MB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/3. AB Testing.mp4
22 MB
29. Views and Layout/11.1 CollectionViewController
22 MB
29. Views and Layout/11.3 CollectionViewTutorial
22 MB
29. Views and Layout/11.2 CollectionViewTutorial
22 MB
14. User Journey Mapping/1. Introduction.mp4
21 MB
58. Motion Design/4. Transitions.mp4
20 MB
58. Motion Design/1. Introduction to Motion Design.mp4
20 MB
58. Motion Design/2. Usage.mp4
19 MB
60. Intermediate Animation/1. Understanding Model and Presentation Layers.mp4
19 MB
14. User Journey Mapping/2. User Personas.mp4
18 MB
57. Beginner Animation/2. Understanding Timing Functions.mp4
17 MB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/4. Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics for UI Design.mp4
17 MB
14. User Journey Mapping/3. User Journey Map Essentials.mp4
12 MB
57. Beginner Animation/1. Anatomy of iOS Animations.mp4
11 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/4. The 5 Stages of the Design Thinking Process.mp4
9.8 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/14.2 YouTube Pan App
9.7 MB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/14.1 YouTube Pan App
9.7 MB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/1. A Practical Understanding of User
9.2 MB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/1. Introduction to Wireframes and Mockups.mp4
9.2 MB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/2. Marissa Mayer's 3 Rules of App Design.mp4
8.5 MB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/3. Donald Norman's Design Principles for Usability.mp4
6.9 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/4.2 TravelApp Starter Swift
5.8 MB
56. CALayer and Gradients/4.1 TravelApp Starter Swift
5.7 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/1.2 Quiz App
3.4 MB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/1.1 QuizApp
3.4 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/1.1 SimpleSelect
1.3 MB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/1.2 SimpleSelect
1.3 MB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/1.1
878 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/1.2 CALayer Starter Swift
378 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/1.1 CALayer Starter Swift
378 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/1.2 Design Patterns and Software Principles
317 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/1.1 Design Patterns and Software Principles
317 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/6.1 PhotoAlbulm
271 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/6.2 PhotoAlbulm
266 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/4.1
186 kB
29. Views and Layout/2.1 PayPalApp
133 kB
29. Views and Layout/2.2 PayPalApp
129 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/18.1 CustomTab App
100 kB
57. Beginner Animation/9.1 loginapp final swift
99 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/1.2 Further Swift 5 Text.pdf
95 kB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/1.2 ObjectDetector
82 kB
57. Beginner Animation/11.1 animated constraints final swift
80 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/1.1 Beginner Swift
70 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/3.1 Splash
65 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/3.2 Splash
65 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/10.1 Tinder App
61 kB
38. Error Handling/2.1 ToDoList Error Handling
61 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/2.1 modal transition
60 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/3.1 circle transition
60 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/1.1 ToDoList Core Data
60 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/1.1 Further Swift
59 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/1.2 ToDoList Realm
58 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/8.1
58 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/10.1
57 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/5.1
57 kB
30. To Do List App/1.1 ToDoList
56 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/5.1
56 kB
38. Error Handling/2.2 ToDoList Error Handling
54 kB
39. Functional Programming/1.2 Functional Programming
54 kB
39. Functional Programming/1.1 Functional Programming
52 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/1.2 ToDoList CoreData
52 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/1.1 ToDoListApp Github
52 kB
30. To Do List App/1.2 ToDoList
51 kB
59. Microinteractions/2.2 Microinteractions
48 kB
59. Microinteractions/2.1 Microinteractions
48 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/1.2 OPLGaugeView Slider
44 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/1.1 OPLGaugeView Motion
41 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/4.1 InstagramAnimatedGradient
40 kB
25. Beginner Swift 5 Practice and Coding Challenge/2.1 Beginner Swift 5 Challenge
39 kB
25. Beginner Swift 5 Practice and Coding Challenge/2.2 Beginner Swift 5 Challenge
37 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/1.1 Captureful
37 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/1.2 Captureful
35 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/1.2 Custom Control
34 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/2.1 Snapsie
34 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/1.1 Custom Control
33 kB
29. Views and Layout/9.
33 kB
1. Course Roadmap/1. [OPTIONAL] Course
31 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/1.1
30 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/8.
30 kB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/3. Memory Management Weak and Unowned
27 kB
67. Advanced Animation/4. Fluid Spring Animations Part 2 Practical
27 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/2. SOLID Principles Part
27 kB
57. Beginner Animation/6. Property Animations Part 1 Theory and
26 kB
3. Sketch Basics/2. Understanding the Sketch Interface Part
26 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/4. Authentication Sign
26 kB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/2. Follow
26 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/19. Programmatic Autolayout
26 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/17. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part
25 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/10. The Profile Screen
25 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/1. Snapsie Photo Camera with
25 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/3. Snapsie Plus Creating the Capture
25 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/5. Observing New
25 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/2. Custom Modal
25 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/20. View
24 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/9. Completing the FeedTableViewCell
24 kB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/1. Grand Central Dispatch Part 1 Serial and Global
24 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/4. Hashable
24 kB
39. Functional Programming/3. Closures as First Class
24 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/6.
23 kB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/2. Grand Central Dispatch Part 2 Custom Global Concurrent
23 kB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/5.
23 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/6. Travel App Part
23 kB
39. Functional Programming/7. Higher Order
23 kB
39. Functional Programming/8. Functional Programming In
23 kB
9. Mockups/2. Home Screen Mockup Part
23 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/10. Autolayout Practice Simple Billing
22 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/5. Importing our App Logo into
22 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/2. The Figma
22 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/2. CAShapeLayer
22 kB
30. To Do List App/1.
22 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/6. Pushing and Pulling from
22 kB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/4. Displaying
22 kB
57. Beginner Animation/9. Animated Login App Part
22 kB
67. Advanced Animation/1. Custom Timing
22 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/9. Access
22 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/6. Optionals -
22 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/8. Creating our
22 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/9. Pan Gesture
22 kB
67. Advanced Animation/3. Fluid Spring Animations Part 1 The Underlying
22 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/17.
21 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/6. Photo Album Transition Part 1
21 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/4. Circular Modal Transition Part
21 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/5. User
21 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/3. CABasicAnimation Part 2 KVO, FillMode and Model & Presentation Layer
21 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/13. Enumerations and Switch Part
21 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/6. Standalone and Backing
21 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/1. How Web APIs
21 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/7. Photo Album Transition Part 2 Present
20 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/3. Circular Modal Transition Part
20 kB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/1. UIImagePicker (Photo Library and Camera).srt
20 kB
67. Advanced Animation/2. Path
20 kB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/4. App
20 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/6. Generics Part
20 kB
39. Functional Programming/5. Escaping
20 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/20. Control Flow - Loops Part
20 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/3. SOLID Principles Part
20 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/5. Travel App Part
20 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/3. The Basics of Storyboard
20 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/1. Low Fidelity
20 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/13. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 4 Swipe Left and
20 kB
39. Functional Programming/4. Closure
20 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/11. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 2 Swipe
20 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/15. [OPTIONAL] Protocol Oriented
20 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/1. User
20 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/6. Intrinsic Content Size and
20 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/2. Updating the Feed
19 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/4. Twitter Style Splash Screen Part 2 Animated
19 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/3.
19 kB
29. Views and Layout/12. CollectionView
19 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/14. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part 1
19 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/2. CABasicAnimation Part 1 Basics, Model & Presentation States, and
19 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/1. UX Principles of Custom Transitions and Interactive
19 kB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/1. Introduction to User
19 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/10. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Abstraction, Inheritance &
19 kB
9. Mockups/3. Home Screen Mockup Part
19 kB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/2. Image Analysis
18 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/2. Strokes, Fills and Paths Part
18 kB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/4. Updating
18 kB
67. Advanced Animation/5.
18 kB
30. To Do List App/20. Data
18 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/1.1 Generics and Advanced
18 kB
57. Beginner Animation/5. UIView Animations Part 3 Timing Functions and
18 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/22. Control Flow - Early Exit and Control
18 kB
29. Views and Layout/4. PayPal App Part 3 Activity
18 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/19. Tab Bar
18 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/12. String
18 kB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/2. Xcode
18 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/16. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part
18 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/7. Creating a Profile
18 kB
24. Haunted House Story App/3. Building our
18 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/5. CAKeyFrameAnimation and Shaking Login
18 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/11. Bar Graph Part 2 The
18 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/33. ActivityViewController Part
18 kB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/2. The 4 Key Elements of User
17 kB
12. Prototyping/1. Prototype
17 kB
39. Functional Programming/2. Functions as First Class
17 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/5. Edge and Center Alignment
17 kB
57. Beginner Animation/8. Property Animations Part 3 Reverse, Scrub, Interrupt and Dynamic
17 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/19. Custom Tab Bar Transition Part
17 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/18. Functions -
17 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/3. High Fidelity
17 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/11. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming
17 kB
30. To Do List App/5. Passing Data with
17 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/2. Types and Variables - Mutability Part
17 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/5. Snapsie Plus Capture Delegate and Image
17 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/11. #1 Parsing JSON The Manual
17 kB
30. To Do List App/6. Passing Data with
17 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/1. CALayer Properties Part
17 kB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/2. Creating a Post Part
17 kB
57. Beginner Animation/12. Constraint Animations Part 2 OpenClose
17 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/1. Creating a Settings
17 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/15. YouTube Style Pan Interaction Part
17 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/1. Authentication Login Part
17 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/19.
17 kB
30. To Do List App/19. TextView
17 kB
3. Sketch Basics/5. Understanding the Sketch Interface Part
16 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/5. Classes
16 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/14.
16 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/2. Capture
16 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/4. Setting Up Alamofire and
16 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/8. Transformations Modifying the Current Transform
16 kB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/2. User Flows with
16 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/7. The
16 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/7. Observer Design
16 kB
25. Beginner Swift 5 Practice and Coding Challenge/1. Introduction + Code Problem Solving
16 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/15. Custom Collection Layout Part
16 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/2. Equatable Protocol Part
16 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/5. Custom Navigation
16 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/4. The Anchor
16 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/4. Classes Reference
16 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/5. Updating
16 kB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/3. Upload to Google Cloud Storage Part
16 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/4. Recording
16 kB
57. Beginner Animation/3. UIView Animations Part 1 The
16 kB
44. Instagram Clone Introduction/1.
16 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/18. New Post Storyboard
16 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/15. Functions - Fundamentals Part
16 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/28. Custom Segmented Control Part
16 kB
38. Error Handling/2. Practical Error
16 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/5. Git Command Line Basics and
16 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/25. Photo
16 kB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/1. Introduction to UX Research and Usability
16 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/1. Atomic Design and Colour
16 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/2. Snapsie Plus User
16 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/3. Vector Tool
16 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/2. Story Post Atomic UI - Part
16 kB
37. Grand Central Dispatch and Memory Management/4. Memory Management Capture
16 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/3. iOS Design Themes and
16 kB
30. To Do List App/15. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part
16 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/4. Instagram Style Animated Gradient
15 kB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/2. Installation of
15 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/6. View Controller Life Cycle Part
15 kB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/2. User Interface Setup Part
15 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/2. Search Part
15 kB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/3. Iteration and the App Design
15 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/2. Named
15 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/6. Refactoring the ProfileViewController Part
15 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/7. Arithmetic Operators and Order of
15 kB
57. Beginner Animation/4. UIView Animations Part 2 Chaining
15 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/5. Setting Up the API
15 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/13. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Polymorphism and Final
15 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/14. Custom Collection Layout Part
15 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/8. Comparison Operators Part
15 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/1. Comments
15 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/3. Updating the
15 kB
38. Error Handling/1. Do...Catch, Try and
15 kB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/3. Detecting
15 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/6. Ring Graph Part 2 The Progress
15 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/3. Strokes, Fills and Paths Part
15 kB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/2. UX Research
15 kB
30. To Do List App/22. Passing Data with Notifications Part 1
15 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/10. Logical
15 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/4. Creating a
14 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/18. Custom Tab Bar Transition Part
14 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/2. Design
14 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/6. Firebase Data Event
14 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/3. Building our Weather App User
14 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/14. Enumerations and Switch Part
14 kB
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/1. Introduction to Machine Learning and Basic
14 kB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/4. The Home Screen
14 kB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/1. Likes
14 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/3. Creating the Gauge
14 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/4. CAShapeLayer
14 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/21. Programmatic Autolayout Size
14 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/21. PageViewController Part
14 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/2. Creating a Home
14 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/2. CALayer Properties Part
14 kB
30. To Do List App/10. Dismissing
14 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/9. Friends Post Atomic
14 kB
9. Mockups/4. Friends Screen
14 kB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/2. Deleting Posts Part
14 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/3. Boolean
14 kB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/7. The Profile Screen
14 kB
30. To Do List App/4. Push
14 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/5. Generics Part
14 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/7. The Home Screen
14 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/7. CATransaction Part 1 Batching and Overriding Duration & Timing
14 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/6. HomeViewController
14 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/6.
14 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/3. Creating our Model Part
13 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/5. Delegate Design
13 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/13. Creating the
13 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/8. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 1 The
13 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/4. Singleton Design
13 kB
33. Snapsie Custom Photo Camera App [AVFoundation]/4. Snapsie Plus Preview
13 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/7. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 3 The
13 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/8. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 4 Wrapping It All
13 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/16. Functions - Fundamentals Part
13 kB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/1. Creating a Post Part
13 kB
29. Views and Layout/7. PayPal App Part 6 Connecting UI to
13 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/4. Creating a Weather App
13 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/8. Creating a Friends
13 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/5. Creating the User
13 kB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/3. Toggle
13 kB
59. Microinteractions/3. Tab Bar Microinteraction
13 kB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/2. Liking and Unliking Posts Part
13 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/12. Bar Graph Part 3 The
13 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/5. Tab Bar Part
13 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/1. UIView
13 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/13. #3 Parsing JSON Using Codable Protocol Part
13 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/4. Making
13 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/1.
13 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/4. Tab Bar Part
13 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/4. Horizontal and Vertical Container Alignment
13 kB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/2. Vector
13 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/11. Other
13 kB
9. Mockups/1. Mockup Design
13 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/32. ActivityViewController Part
12 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/5. Ring Graph Part 1 The
12 kB
57. Beginner Animation/7. Property Animations Part 2 Animation
12 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/1. UX Principles and Goals of App
12 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/29. Custom Segmented Control Part
12 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/2. Creating the Gauge
12 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/1. Intro to Git and
12 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/1. Introducing the Vector
12 kB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/3. Helper +
12 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/6. Story Post Atomic UI - Part
12 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/1. Creating
12 kB
54. Instagram Clone Following and Unfollowing/1. Following, Follower and Post
12 kB
9. Mockups/5. Profile Screen
12 kB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/1. Introduction to Vector
12 kB
57. Beginner Animation/11. Constraint Animations Part 1 Interface
12 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/3. Comparable
12 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/8. Testing and
12 kB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/5. 5 Essential UX Design
12 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/9. Creating Requests with URLSession Part
12 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/23. PageViewController Part
12 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/1.
12 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/34. ActivityViewController
12 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/21. Control Flow - Loops Part
12 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/3. Creating the Heart
12 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/6. Classes Type
12 kB
39. Functional Programming/6. Type
12 kB
30. To Do List App/23. Passing Data with Notifications Part 2
12 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/2. What is
12 kB
51. Instagram Clone Comments/6. Observing New
12 kB
14. User Journey Mapping/4. Practical User Journey
12 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/8. Creating Requests with URLSession Part
11 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/8. CATransaction Part 2 Disabling Animation and Completion
11 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/2. Creating a Realm
11 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/8.
11 kB
24. Haunted House Story App/1.2 Haunted House
11 kB
3. Sketch Basics/3. Boolean
11 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/2. The Case for
11 kB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/2. Planning the
11 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/10. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 1 Basic
11 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/6. Ball
11 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/11. Completing the
11 kB
29. Views and Layout/8.
11 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/20.
11 kB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/3. User Interface Setup Part
11 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/7. Structures vs
11 kB
30. To Do List App/21. Reporting Errors with
11 kB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/2.
11 kB
50. Instagram Clone Likes/3. Liking and Unliking Posts Part
11 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/5. Playing
11 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/24. Simple
11 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/6. Clipping and Preserving
11 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/3.
11 kB
57. Beginner Animation/10. Animated Login App Part
11 kB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/3. AB
11 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/5.
10 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/9.
10 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/5. Finding and Curating a
10 kB
58. Motion Design/5.
10 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/1. Updating
10 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/5. Making Icons Pixel
10 kB
14. User Journey Mapping/2. User
10 kB
43. Generics and Advanced Protocols/1. Equatable Protocol Part
10 kB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/4. Heatmap
10 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/5. The
10 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/6. The
10 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/31. ActivityView
10 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/7. Stories
10 kB
30. To Do List App/9. TableView Editing
10 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/1. UI vs UX Design What is the
10 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/15. iPhone and iPad
10 kB
48. Instagram Clone Google Cloud Storage and SDWebImage/4. Upload to Google Cloud Storage Part
10 kB
59. Microinteractions/1. Microinteractions
10 kB
24. Haunted House Story App/1.1 Haunted House
10 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/2.
9.9 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/6. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 2
9.9 kB
58. Motion Design/3.
9.9 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/3. CAShapeLayer
9.9 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/2. Authentication Login Part
9.8 kB
30. To Do List App/11. Creating a
9.8 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/7. View Controller Life Cycle Part
9.8 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/6. Rulers and
9.7 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/14. Portrait and Landscape Orientation
9.7 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/9. Factory Design
9.7 kB
29. Views and Layout/13. CollectionView Insets and
9.6 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/4. Choosing a Color Scheme Part
9.6 kB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/5. User Post
9.5 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/3. Types and Variables - Mutability Part
9.5 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/5. Settings Icon Style
9.5 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/3. Search Part
9.5 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/17. Completing the
9.5 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/30. ActivityTableViewCell
9.4 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/5. Creating the GPS
9.4 kB
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/5. Guerrilla
9.4 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/8. Photo Album Transition Part 3 Dismiss
9.4 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/10. Creating Requests with
9.3 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/16. Custom CollectionLayout Part
9.3 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/7. User Location Detection with Core Location Part
9.3 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/4. Travel App
9.2 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/8.
9.2 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/2. Our First
9.2 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/6. Extension Design
9.2 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/3. Adding
9.1 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/9.
9.1 kB
14. User Journey Mapping/1.
9.1 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/7. Ball
9.1 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/4.
9.1 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/7. Improving Training and Validation
9.0 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/11. Pixel
9.0 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/5. Optionals - Valueless
9.0 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/26. New Post
8.9 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/9. Strokes and
8.9 kB
57. Beginner Animation/1. Anatomy of iOS
8.8 kB
29. Views and Layout/10. TableView with
8.8 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/6. iOS Color Systems Understanding RGBA, HSB, HEX, CYMK and GrayScale.html
8.8 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/7. Selecting Comments and Search
8.8 kB
47. Instagram Clone Authentication (Login and Sign Up)/3. Authentication Sign
8.7 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/10. Layout and
8.7 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/8.
8.7 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/9. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 2 The Marching
8.6 kB
53. Instagram Clone Search/4. Search Part
8.6 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/5.
8.6 kB
58. Motion Design/1. Introduction to Motion
8.6 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/2. Storyboards and
8.4 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/4. Types and Variables - Naming
8.4 kB
29. Views and Layout/3. PayPal App Part 2 Balance
8.4 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/12. Landscape Orientation
8.4 kB
29. Views and Layout/1. Scroll
8.3 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/20. Programmatic Autolayout
8.3 kB
52. Pagination and Deleting Posts/3. Deleting Posts Part
8.3 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/11. Aspect Ratio
8.2 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/3. Tab Bar Part
8.2 kB
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/12. Tinder Style Swipe Card Part 3 New
8.2 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/9. Transformations Affine
8.1 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/5. Facebook Style Skeleton Launch Part 1 Basic
8.1 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/5. Choosing a Color Scheme Part
8.1 kB
30. To Do List App/13. Observing Keyboard
8.0 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/12. [OPTIONAL] Object Oriented Programming Testing Our Code So
8.0 kB
14. User Journey Mapping/3. User Journey Map
7.9 kB
12. Prototyping/2. How to
7.9 kB
56. CALayer and Gradients/3. Gradients with
7.9 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/10. FeedTableViewCell and StoryTableViewCell
7.9 kB
29. Views and Layout/2. PayPal App Part 1 Basic
7.9 kB
30. To Do List App/12. TouchView Part
7.9 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/10. Marching Ants Loading Animation Part 3 Pulsating
7.8 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/2. Getting Started with Custom
7.8 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/10. Bar Graph Part 1 The
7.7 kB
29. Views and Layout/5. PayPal App Part 4 Security
7.7 kB
30. To Do List App/14. TouchView Part
7.7 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/1. Intro to
7.7 kB
29. Views and Layout/6. PayPal App Part 5 Send and Receive
7.6 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/4. Creating our Model Part
7.6 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/6.
7.6 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/9. Creating a Refresh
7.6 kB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/3. Hello
7.5 kB
30. To Do List App/8. Present Modally
7.5 kB
39. Functional Programming/1.
7.4 kB
57. Beginner Animation/2. Understanding Timing
7.3 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/4. Reading, Updating and Deleting
7.3 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/4. Story Post Atomic UI - Part
7.2 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/1. Introduction to Core Data and
7.2 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/1. Understanding Model and Presentation
7.2 kB
24. Haunted House Story App/2. Starter Project
7.2 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/8. Cloud
7.1 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/22. PageViewController Part
7.1 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/7. Content Hugging
6.9 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/4. Introducing
6.9 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/12.
6.9 kB
30. To Do List App/7. Navigation
6.9 kB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/1. Introduction to Wireframes and
6.9 kB
31. Local Data Persistence Realm/4. Reading and Deleting
6.8 kB
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/8. The Friends Screen
6.8 kB
60. Intermediate Animation/9. Grouping Animations with
6.8 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/8. Temperature
6.8 kB
30. To Do List App/18. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part
6.7 kB
30. To Do List App/3. ToDoList
6.7 kB
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/7.
6.6 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/18. Autolayout as
6.6 kB
58. Motion Design/4.
6.6 kB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/4. Jakob Nielsen's 10 Usability Heuristics for UI
6.5 kB
29. Views and Layout/14. CollectionView with
6.5 kB
3. Sketch Basics/1. Why
6.5 kB
29. Views and Layout/15. Customising the Status
6.4 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/2. Convolutional Neural
6.2 kB
12. Prototyping/4. Prototyping
6.2 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/2. Human Interface Guidelines on App
6.2 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/2. Bitmap
6.1 kB
59. Microinteractions/2. Tab Bar Microinteraction
6.1 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/4.
6.0 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/8. Content Compression Resistance
6.0 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/7. Arc
5.9 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/8. [OPTIONAL] Fixing the San Fransisco Font
5.9 kB
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/4. The 5 Stages of the Design Thinking
5.9 kB
21. Xcode Introduction and Setup/1. Downloading
5.8 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/13. Adaptive Layout and Size
5.8 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/1. Introduction to
5.8 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/2. A GET Request Example using
5.8 kB
30. To Do List App/16. TextField and TextView
5.6 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/14. #3 Parsing JSON Using Codable Protocol Part
5.6 kB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/2. Marissa Mayer's 3 Rules of App
5.5 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/17. Why Support iPhone
5.4 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/1. Starter Project
5.4 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/7. Getting the iOS GUI
5.2 kB
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/7. Ring Graph Part 3 The Gradient
5.2 kB
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/12. #2 Parsing JSON Using
5.2 kB
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/1.
5.1 kB
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/3. Twitter Style Splash Screen Part 1 Basic
5.1 kB
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/16. Safe
4.9 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/3. Transfer
4.9 kB
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/27. Activity Interface
4.9 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/4. Creating an Add
4.8 kB
2. --PART 1 App Design and UIUX--/2. Design
4.8 kB
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/5. Using the iOS GUI Kit with
4.8 kB
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/3. User Flow Atomic
4.8 kB
49. Instagram Clone Posts/3. Refactoring the Post
4.7 kB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/1.
4.6 kB
30. To Do List App/17. Maintaining TextField Visibility when Keyboard Shows Part
4.6 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/4. UIControl Tracking
4.6 kB
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/3. Donald Norman's Design Principles for
4.5 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/7. The Importance of Color Spaces and Gamut.html
4.4 kB
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/3.
4.4 kB
28. Quiz App [Introduction to MVC and View Controller Life Cycle]/1.
4.3 kB
29. Views and Layout/11. Intro to
4.2 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/3. Adding
4.2 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/5. Begin and Continue
4.2 kB
34. Captureful Custom Video Camera App [AVFoundation]/3. Preview
4.2 kB
35. Git and Github Version Control/4. Time
4.1 kB
42. [OPTIONAL] Design Patterns and Software Principles/8. Adapter Design
4.0 kB
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/3. End
4.0 kB
58. Motion Design/2.
3.9 kB
23. Beginner Swift 5/9. Comparison Operators Part
3.9 kB
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/5. Symbolising the Tab
3.8 kB
22. Head First into iOS Our First App!/1.
3.7 kB
5. Foundational Design Principles/9. How to Install a Custom Font in XCode.html
3.7 kB
41. Machine Learning with CreateML Creating a Farm Animal Classifier Model/1.
3.7 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/2. Creating a Core Data
3.7 kB
30. To Do List App/2. ToDoItem
3.7 kB
26. Further Swift 5 [Object Oriented and Protocol Oriented Programming]/1.
3.6 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/1. Introduction to Custom
3.6 kB
24. Haunted House Story App/1.
3.4 kB
3. Sketch Basics/4. Getting Apple Design
3.4 kB
4. App Asset and Icon Design/12. Points and Pixels - The Reason We Need @2x and @3x Icons.html
3.2 kB
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/9. Test
3.2 kB
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/4.
3.1 kB
20. --Part 2 Fundamental App Development--/1. Welcome to App Development.html
3.0 kB
46. Instagram Clone Firebase Installation/1. Starter Project
2.7 kB
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/2. [OPTIONAL] The Origins of the Bezier Curve.html
2.7 kB
32. Local Data Persistence Core Data/5. Testing our Core Data
2.4 kB
2. --PART 1 App Design and UIUX--/1. Welcome to App Design and UIUX.html
1.7 kB
55. --Part 3 Custom Interface Development and Animation--/1. Welcome to Custom Interface Development.html
1.2 kB
25. Beginner Swift 5 Practice and Coding Challenge/2. Download your Challenge Playground.html
461 B
57. Beginner Animation/2.1 Documentation on All Predefined Timing Functions.html
163 B
67. Advanced Animation/6. Challenge.html
147 B
61. Interactivity and Custom Transitions/21. Challenge.html
147 B
6. App Logo Design and The Vector Tool/6. Challenge.html
147 B
58. Motion Design/6. Challenge.html
147 B
60. Intermediate Animation/10. Challenge.html
147 B
62. Core Graphics (Quartz 2D Drawing)/13. Challenge.html
147 B
59. Microinteractions/4. Challenge.html
147 B
63. Custom UI Components with CAShapeLayer/11. Challenge.html
147 B
64. Custom App Launch and Animation/9. Challenge.html
147 B
5. Foundational Design Principles/10. Challenge.html
147 B
57. Beginner Animation/13. Challenge.html
147 B
66. [BONUS] Speed Gauge App for Walking or Running/9. Challenge.html
147 B
7. Low Fidelity Wireframing (Lo-Fi)/8. Challenge.html
147 B
56. CALayer and Gradients/7. Challenge.html
147 B
65. [BONUS] Custom Controls - Room Temperature Control App/10. Challenge.html
147 B
4. App Asset and Icon Design/13. Challenge.html
147 B
13. User Flows and the Conversion Funnel/4. Challenge.html
147 B
9. Mockups/6. Challenge.html
147 B
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/11. Challenge.html
147 B
10. Foundational User Experience (UX) Principles/6. Challenge.html
147 B
11. UX Research and Usability Testing/6. Challenge.html
147 B
12. Prototyping/5. Challenge.html
147 B
30. To Do List App/24. Challenge.html
147 B
27. Auto Layout [Storyboard and Programmatic]/22. Challenge.html
147 B
3. Sketch Basics/6. Challenge.html
147 B
19. [OPTIONAL] Figma Wireframes, Mockups and Prototypes/7. Challenge.html
147 B
14. User Journey Mapping/5. Challenge.html
147 B
29. Views and Layout/16. Challenge.html
147 B
15. UIUX Principles from Great Design Influencers/5. Challenge.html
147 B
18. [OPTIONAL] Figma Fundamentals/12. Challenge.html
147 B
16. [OPTIONAL] Figma App Assets and Icon Design/10. Challenge.html
147 B
17. [OPTIONAL] Figma Vector Networks/4. Challenge.html
147 B
5. Foundational Design Principles/3.1 iOS Design Theme and Principles Further Reading.html
143 B
57. Beginner Animation/3.1 Further Reading.html
131 B
57. Beginner Animation/6.1 Further Reading.html
131 B
60. Intermediate Animation/2.1 Further Reading.html
130 B
57. Beginner Animation/7.1 Further Reading.html
129 B
57. Beginner Animation/6.2 UIViewAnimating Protocol Further Reading.html
124 B
40. Machine Learning with CoreML 2 and Vision Object Classification App/1.1 Resnet50 CoreML Model.html
123 B
56. CALayer and Gradients/1.3 Further Reading.html
121 B
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/4.2 Swift JSON Github.html
101 B
45. Instagram Clone User Interface/24.1 Simple Camera Github.html
100 B
36. Networking and REST APIs Weather App/4.1 Alamofire Github.html
99 B
8. High Fidelity Wireframing (Hi-Fi) and Atomic Design/1.1 Atomic Design Further Reading.html
94 B
3. Sketch Basics/1.1 Sketch App Website.html
86 B
5. Foundational Design Principles/4.1 Adobe Colour Wheel.html
84 B