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Udemy - Embedded Systems Programming on ARM Cortex-M3M4 Processor

File Name
1. Introduction/1. Course Overview.mp4
8.0 MB
1. Introduction/2. Motivation to learn Cortex Family of Processors.mp4
23 MB
1. Introduction/3. Processor Core Vs Processor.mp4
14 MB
1. Introduction/4. Processor Vs Microcontroller.mp4
36 MB
1. Introduction/5. Download Source code.html
267 B
1. Introduction/5.1
18 kB
10. LAB SESSION/1. Lab assignment 4 Stack Operations Using Different Stack Pointers(MSPPSP).mp4
16 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/1. Intro to System Exceptions and Interrupts.mp4
10 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/2. NVIC(Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller ).mp4
8.0 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/3. Interrupt priority.mp4
23 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/4. Exception Activation and De-Activation.mp4
5.5 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/5. NVIC Registers.mp4
13 MB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/6. Quiz-3 Answer.html
1.0 kB
11. System Exceptions and Interrupts-I/7. Quiz-4 Answer.html
777 B
12. LAB SESSION/1. Lab assignment 5 Exception MaskingUn-masking.mp4
20 MB
12. LAB SESSION/2. Lab Assignment 6 Getting Started with USB-Logic Analyzer.mp4
6.8 MB
12. LAB SESSION/3. Lab Assignment 7 Interrupt Priority and Pre-emption.mp4
30 MB
13. System Exceptions and Interrupts-II/1. Pending Interrupt behavior.mp4
6.4 MB
13. System Exceptions and Interrupts-II/2. Exception Vector Table.mp4
14 MB
13. System Exceptions and Interrupts-II/3. Exception Entry and Exit Sequence.mp4
13 MB
14. LAB SESSION/1. Lab assignment 8 Programming and Configuring LED using Registers.mp4
37 MB
14. LAB SESSION/2. Lab assignment 9 Programming and Configuring External Interrupt (Buttons)-I.mp4
14 MB
14. LAB SESSION/3. Lab assignment 9 Programming and Configuring External Interrupt (Buttons)-II.mp4
31 MB
15. Cortex M3M4 OS Features/1. Use of shadowed stack pointer.mp4
6.7 MB
15. Cortex M3M4 OS Features/2. SVC System Exception.mp4
15 MB
15. Cortex M3M4 OS Features/3. PendSV System Exception-I.mp4
9.2 MB
15. Cortex M3M4 OS Features/4. PendSV System Exception-II (Understanding with animation).mp4
11 MB
16. LAB SESSION/1. Lab assignment 10 SVC Exception and Handler implementation.html
800 B
16. LAB SESSION/2. Lab assignment 11 PendSV in offloading interrupt processing.mp4
9.9 MB
17. Thank you/1. Bonus Lecture.html
3.2 kB
2. Development board used in our courses/1. Note for the students.html
373 B
2. Development board used in our courses/2. About MCU Development board.mp4
20 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/2.1 NUCLEO-F446RE Nucleo-64 development board.html
117 B
2. Development board used in our courses/2.2 Discovery kit with STM32F407VG MCU.html
120 B
2. Development board used in our courses/3. STM32F4 Discovery and Nucleo Board Details.mp4
44 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/4. ST-Link Driver Installation.mp4
13 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/4.1 ST-LINK, ST-LINKV2, ST-LINKV2-1 USB driver signed for Windows7, Windows8, Windows10.html
117 B
2. Development board used in our courses/5. ST Link Firmware Upgrade.mp4
14 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/5.1 ST-LINK, ST-LINKV2, ST-LINKV2-1 firmware upgrade.html
117 B
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/1. Note for the students.html
1002 B
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/10. Understanding CMSIS.mp4
17 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/11. Downloading CMSIS.mp4
14 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/12. Integrating MCU Peripheral Library( Device HAL).mp4
26 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/13. Integrating MCU Peripheral Library( Device HAL) Contd.mp4
65 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/14. Download & Debugging Code using GDB and OpenOCD.mp4
38 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/15. Download & Debugging Code using GDB and OpenOCD contd..mp4
56 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/2. Section-Summary.html
937 B
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/2.1 Setting up Eclipse for ARM Cortex M processor based MCUs-Summary.pdf.pdf
43 kB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/3. Download Eclipse for CC++ Developers.mp4
15 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/4. Download Cross-Toolchain for ARM Cortex Processor.mp4
15 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/5. Installing GNU ARM Eclipse Plugins.mp4
24 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/6. Installing Windows Build Tools(only for Windows users).mp4
10 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/7. Download and Install OpenOCD.mp4
13 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/8. Eclipse Project Creation for ARM Cortex Proc. Based MCU.mp4
40 MB
3. Eclipse Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/9. Understanding Eclipse Project Directory structure..mp4
38 MB
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/1. Note for the students.html
411 B
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/2. KEIL-MDK-5 Installation.mp4
28 MB
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/3. KEIL-MDK-5 Installation Contd..mp4
11 MB
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/4. KEIL-MDK-5 Pack Installation.mp4
60 MB
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/5. Locating Pack Installation files.mp4
8.7 MB
4. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/6. Creating a KEIL Project.mp4
39 MB
5. LEDButton Exercises using BSPs/1. Exercise LED Toggling App using Board BSP APIs.mp4
65 MB
5. LEDButton Exercises using BSPs/2. Exercise LED Toggling App using Board BSP APIs-Nucleo.mp4
18 MB
5. LEDButton Exercises using BSPs/3. Exercise Adding button support using board BSP APIs(Nucleo).mp4
25 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/1. Features of Cortex Mx Processor.mp4
9.9 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/10. Importance of 'T' bit of the EPSR.mp4
34 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/11. Importance of PRIMASK & FAULTMASK registers Part-1.mp4
16 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/12. Importance of PRIMASK & FAULTMASK registers Part-2.mp4
30 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/13. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Reset Sequence.mp4
10 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/14. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Reset Sequence Demonstration.mp4
32 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/2. Operational Modes of the Cortex Mx Processor.mp4
10 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/3. Operational Modes of the Cortex Mx Processor Demonstration.mp4
40 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/3.1 Code.html
168 B
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/4. Access Levels of the Cortex Mx Processor.mp4
26 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/5. Access Levels of the Cortex Mx Processor Demonstration Part-1.mp4
26 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/5.1 Code.html
164 B
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/6. Access Levels of the Cortex Mx Processor Demonstration Part-2.mp4
22 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/7. ARM Cortex Mx Core Registers Discussion Part 1.mp4
30 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/8. ARM Cortex Mx Core Registers Discussion Part 2.mp4
11 MB
6. ARM Cortex Mx Processor Architecture Details/9. ARM Cortex Mx Core Registers Discussion Part 3.mp4
34 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/1. Memory System features and Memory Map - Copy.mp4
24 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/1. Memory System features and Memory Map.mp4
24 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/2. Bus Protocols and Bus interfaces.mp4
14 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/3. Aligned and Un-aligned data transfer.mp4
9.9 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/4. Bit-Banding.mp4
20 MB
7. Memory System Architecture/5. Quiz-2 Answer.html
1.1 kB
8. Talk is Cheap, Show Me the Code LAB SESSION-II/1. Lab Assignments 3 Bit-Band Operations using C.mp4
11 MB
9. Stacks/1. Intro to stack memory.mp4
6.0 MB
9. Stacks/2. Stack memory model.mp4
8.2 MB
9. Stacks/3. Subroutine and stack.mp4
3.6 MB
9. Stacks/4. Stacking and un-stacking during Exception.mp4
5.2 MB